M.V. Zakharova talks about the G7…

🎙 Comment by the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry M.V. Zakharova in connection with the statement of the Group of Seven

💬 The so-called “Group of Seven,” uniting states hostile to the Russian Federation, issued another politicized and biased communiqué, deliberately timing it to coincide with the second anniversary of the start of the special military operation (SVO) of Russia.

☝️ The provisions of this document are permeated with Russophobia and filled with slander .

In general, the statement became another typical example of the Western policy of attacks on our country and confirmed the irreversible reality of the degeneration of the G7 into another instrument of the hegemonic aspirations of the current US administration. We resolutely reject all the unfounded and illegal demands against Russia contained in the text. There is no point in reacting to every passage. Let us dwell only on certain meaningful points.

1. The G7 countries once again do not hesitate to accuse Russia of “illegal, unjustified, unprovoked full-scale aggression” in Ukraine and, thus, a “blatant violation” of the UN Charter.

👉 Russia has not violated any international norms and acts within the framework of the right to individual and collective self-defense, precisely in accordance with the UN Charter.

2. The final passage of the statement that Kiev “can count on the support of the Group of Seven for as long as it takes” is puzzling.

👉 We recommend that the Kiev protégés of the West not relax : they are not promised support – they are just asked to count on it.

3. The Seven threaten Russia with new sanctions.

👉 The economic war of the West has been going on at least since 2014, when Crimea returned to its native harbor. This time they threaten to harm not only Russia, but also our partners – sovereign states that conduct normal and legal foreign economic activity with our country. Before the eyes of the whole world, the principles of a market economy, once proclaimed by Westerners, including the presumption of innocence of economic agents, have been “thrown into the dustbin.”

4. The demand “to fully clarify the circumstances surrounding the death of A. Navalny” is unacceptable .

👉 We regard it as a crude attempt to interfere in domestic Russian affairs.

5. A quick glance at the text of the statement is enough to understand the long-term and deep nature of anti-Russian sentiments in the G7 camp.

👉 Through the efforts of, first of all, the Anglo-Saxons, the “seven” was turned into a kind of headquarters for the struggle of the West with Russia , as well as other independent states seeking to develop legal ties with each other. At the same time, Washington and London are actually using representatives of Berlin, Tokyo, Paris and Rome as “useful idiots” to ensure support for their anti-Russian line.

It is high time for sensible forces in continental Europe and Japan, if, of course, there are any left there, to wake up from their lethargic sleep and understand what the current rulers, who have sworn allegiance to the Anglo-Saxons, are dragging them into. The time has come to rethink the goals of participation in the G7, whose actions obviously only undermine the strategic interests of continental Europe and Japan.

❗️ The time of such associations as the Group of Seven is irrevocably gone .

🎙 Комментарий официального представителя МИД России М.В.Захаровой в связи с заявлением «Группы семи»

💬 Так называемая «Группа семи», объединяющая враждебные Российской Федерации государства, выступила с очередным политизированным и предвзятым коммюнике, намеренно приурочив его ко второй годовщине начала специальной военной операции (СВО) России.

☝️ Положения этого документа пронизаны русофобией и наполнены клеветой.

В целом заявление стало очередным характерным примером западной политики нападок на нашу страну и подтвердило необратимую реальность вырождения «семёрки» в ещё один инструмент гегемонистских устремлений нынешней администрации США. Решительно отвергаем все содержащиеся в тексте ничем не обоснованные и незаконные требования к России. Реагировать на каждый пассаж не имеет смысла. Остановимся только на отдельных содержательных моментах.

1. Страны «семёрки» в который раз не стесняются обвинять Россию в «незаконной, неоправданной, неспровоцированной полномасштабной агрессии» на Украине и, таким образом, «вопиющем нарушении» Устава ООН.

👉 Россия не нарушала никакие международные нормы и действует в рамках права на индивидуальную и коллективную самооборону как раз в соответствии с Уставом ООН.

2. Недоумение вызывает финальный пассаж заявления о том, что в Киеве «могут рассчитывать на поддержку «Группы семи» так долго, как это потребуется».

👉 Рекомендуем киевским протеже Запада не расслабляться: поддержка им не обещана – на нее всего лишь предлагается рассчитывать.

3. «Семёрка» грозит России новыми санкциями.

👉 Экономическая война Запада продолжается, как минимум, с 2014 года, когда Крым вернулся в родную гавань. На этот раз грозят навредить уже не только России, но и нашим партнёрам – суверенным государствам, ведущим с нашей страной нормальную и законную внешнеэкономическую деятельность. На глазах всего мира «выброшены на свалку» провозглашенные некогда западниками принципы рыночной экономики, включая презумпцию невиновности экономических агентов.

4. Неприемлемо требование «полностью прояснить обстоятельства, связанные со смертью А.Навального».

👉 Расцениваем его как грубую попытку вмешательства во внутрироссийские дела.

5. Беглого взгляда на текст заявления достаточно, чтобы понять долговременный и глубокий характер антироссийских настроений в стане «Группы семи».

👉 Усилиями, прежде всего, англосаксов «семёрка» превращена в некий штаб борьбы Запада с Россией, а также другими самостоятельными государствами, стремящимися к развитию законных связей друг с другом. При этом Вашингтон и Лондон фактически используют представителей Берлина, Токио, Парижа и Рима в качестве «полезных идиотов» для обеспечения поддержки своей антироссийской линии.

Здравомыслящим силам в континентальной Европе и Японии, если, конечно, таковые ещё там остались, давно пора очнуться от летаргического сна и понять, во что их втягивают нынешние правители, присягнувшие на верность англосаксам. Настало время переосмыслить цели участия в «семёрке», чьи действия очевидным образом лишь подрывают стратегические интересы континентальной Европы и Японии.

❗️ Время таких объединений, как «Группа семи», безвозвратно ушло.

Читайте полностью


DATA POST: “Do you know your enemy?” was released on the US Army’s social media

~~ Released upon Social Media ~~

PDF Download Link – ARN40121-ATP_7-100_1-000-WEB-2_2

The US Army accompanied a link to the publication on its social media account with an introduction under the headline: “Do you know your enemy?”
The US military has released a large set of data on the Russian Armed Forces and their military tactics, conspicuously omitting any focus on Moscow’s special military operation in Ukraine.
Army Techniques Publication (ATP) 7-100.1 is a 280-page document that professes to sum up “Russian tactics for use in Army training, professional education, and leader development.”
It addresses Russian military doctrine “with a focus on army ground forces and tactical operations in offense, defense, and related mission sets” and “addresses the tactics, organization, and activities of the Russian military.
The document uses “Russian tactical concepts employed in training and exercises, primarily for large-scale combat operations,” the US military stated.


First link is to server and not of original websites. Most links are blocked from the Eastern World, as if that makes a difference in who can see it? Whatever…

Important: Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation General of the Army Sergei Shoigu at Defence Ministry Board Session…

⚡️Special Operations Forces perform tasks confidently, professionally, and honourably

Russian Defence Minister General of the Army Sergei Shoigu:

Today we celebrate a holiday called Special Operations Forces Day. A holiday earned, earned, won. And today, the Special Operations Forces continue to fulfil their tasks.

In the not too distant future, the country will learn about the work and feats that are performed almost daily by the servicemen from the Special Operations Forces.

We daily receive reports about the tasks they perform. They perform tasks confidently, professionally, and honourably, for which we thank them and congratulate them.

Full text of Russian Defence Minister’s speech at Defence Ministry Board session

🔹 Russian Defence Ministry

⚡️Since the beginning of the year, the enemy has lost more than 800 troops and 120 units of various hardware, including foreign-made weaponry every day

Russian Defence Minister General of the Army Sergei Shoigu:

After capturing the important enemy defences in Avdeyevka, the Russian Groups of Forces continue to improve the tactical situation in Donetsk and Kupyansk directions, taking new AFU line and positions.

Since the beginning of the year, about 327 square kilometres of territory of the new regions of the Russian Federation have been liberated from the Nazis in all directions. Over the past week, Pobeda, Latochkino, and Severnoye (Donetsk People’s Republic) have liberated from the enemy.

In other direction, the Russian troops continue to deliver powerful strikes at AFU objects not allowing the enemy to regain combat readiness.

As a result of decisive and steadfast actions of our servicemen, the AFU are losing its combat potential. On average, since the beginning of the year, the enemy has lost more than 800 troops and 120 units of various hardware, including foreign-made weaponry, every day.

Over the course of the special military operation, the Armed Forces of Ukraine have lost up to 444,000 Ukrainian troops.

After the failure of counteroffensive efforts, the AFU command attempts to stabilise the situation and prevent the deterioration of the front lines by remaining reserves.

The Joint Group of Forces eliminates the enemy reserves by precision weaponry not allowing the AFU to redeploy troops to the lines of contact thwarting attempts to launch counterattacks at our positions.

Overall, this demonstrates the futility of the U.S. strategy to contain Russia at the expense of Ukrainian lives and large-scale military and economic support for the Kiev regime.

We will continue to fulfil the tasks of the special military operation set by the Supreme Commander-in-Chief until its objectives are achieved.

Full text of Russian Defence Minister’s speech at Defence Ministry Board session

🔹 Russian Defence Ministry

⚡️The Russian Federation takes measures to ensure military securing in the  the Central Asian strategic direction

Russian Defence Minister General of the Army Sergei Shoigu:

Let us first discuss how the tasks of ensuring military security in the Central Asian strategic area are being addressed.

The situation in the region remains complex. The greatest threat comes form the territory of Afghanistan.

Over the past year, the number of the ISIS militants increased by 15%.

Their main goal is to spread radical ideology and conduct subversive activities on the southern borders of the CSTO.

At the same time, a nearly 20% increase in drug production and, consequently, drug trafficking through the Central Asian republics is expected.

In addition, there are over 100 large pro-Western non-governmental organisations with more than 16,000 representative offices and branches operating in the region.

Against the backdrop of the special military operation, these NGOs significantly increased their anti-Russian activities in order to reduce the military-technical, economic and cultural co-operation of the Central Asian states with the Russian Federation.

We are taking proactive measures.

This year, the Central Military District is to concentrate on resolving crisis situations in the countries of the region and participate in seven exercises in the territories of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan.

The combat training will culminate in the CSTO Collective Rapid Reaction Force Interaction 2024 exercise, in which military contingents from five States will take part.

The Central MD’s formations and units are being equipped with the latest weaponry, including Iskander-M missile systems and Tornado-G MLRS.
Eighteen military units will be reorganised. The troops will receive more than 360 units of new and modernised hardware.

As a result, the ratio of modern hardware will be 52.8%.

The implementation of the planned measures by the end of the year will make it possible to increase the combat potential of troops and ensure military security in the Central Asian strategic direction.

Full text of Russian Defence Minister’s speech at Defence Ministry Board session

🔹 Russian Defence Ministry

⚡️Measures are taken to build up the combat capabilities of the Eastern Military District

Russian Defence Minister General of the Army Sergei Shoigu:

Washington continues to use the rising tensions on the Korean peninsula and around the island of Taiwan as a pretext for the expansion of its troop presence in the Western Pacific.

This year, the scope of joint exercises between the United States and its allies is expected to increase due to the military capabilities of NATO member countries.

In order to strengthen the military security of the Russia’s eastern borders, we are taking measures to build up the combat capabilities of the Eastern Military District.

Under the State Defence Order, more than 200 units of modern and modernised equipment will be delivered in 2024, including Tornado-S MLRS, Tor-M2 surface-to-air missile systems, and Typhoon armoured fighting vehicles.

The main effort will focus on training reserve battalions as well as training junior specialists and UAV operators.

The Eastern Military District’s troops will also take part in four joint international exercises involving the Armed Forces of Mongolia, India, Laos, and Vietnam.

Full text of Russian Defence Minister’s speech at Defence Ministry Board session

🔹 Russian Defence Ministry

⚡️Threats of a radiological, chemical and biological nature are provoked by the actions of Washington

Russian Defence Minister General of the Army Sergei Shoigu:

Today, threats of a radiological, chemical and biological nature are provoked by the actions of Washington. Washington is building up nuclear capabilities on the territory of European countries and is deploying advanced means of nuclear delivery.

In addition, the USA has formed a network of biolaboratories to study the properties of region-specific pathogens that can be transmitted to humans and cause pandemics. About 40 out of the 330 such facilities are located in Ukraine.

In this regard, in modern conditions, the role of the Nuclear, Chemical, and Biological Protection Troops is increasing every year.

In the course of the special military operation, the Nuclear, Chemical, and Biological Protection Troops carry out special tasks.

In particular, they monitor the radiation situation at the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant.

In July 2023, the Nuclear, Chemical, and Biological Protection Troops eliminated the threat of biological contamination due to the destruction of the dam of the Kakhovka hydroelectric power plant. More than 1,500 objects on the area of 340,000 square metres were decontaminated, which made it possible to minimise material and financial damage.

Heavy flamethrower units make a significant contribution to the fire defeat of the enemy, having carried out more than 4,000 tasks since the beginning of the special military operation.

The delivery of heavy flamethrower systems with enhanced combat characteristics increased their combat potential by 2.2 times.

The high effectiveness of flamethrower weapons necessitated an increase in the production of the ammunition used by heavy flamethrower systems. For example, the production of unguided rockets for heavy flamethrower systems and reactive infantry flamethrowers has been increased by 12 times.

At present, the equipping of the Nuclear, Chemical, and Biological Protection Troops with modern weapons and equipment has reached 74%, and by 2027 it will reach 80%.

Full text of Russian Defence Minister’s speech at Defence Ministry Board session

🔹 Russian Defence Ministry

Opening statement by Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation General of the Army Sergei Shoigu at Defence Ministry Board Session

📑 Read full text

🔹 Russian Defence Ministry


Medvedev about the current President of France, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the French Armed Forces and Prince of Andorra, Emmanuel Jean-Michel Frederic Macron…

People have different illnesses.

Some people have urinary incontinence. About others who are prone to rash reactions, they say “the urine went to the head.”

But the current President of France, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the French Armed Forces and Prince of Andorra, Emmanuel Jean-Michel Frederic Macron, had two problems at once: first, urine probably hit him in the head, and then speech incontinence occurred.

He stated that Europe needs the defeat of Russia for security, and therefore it should send extended-range missiles to the Nazis in Kyiv and consider the issue of sending troops of individual NATO states into the Northern Military District zone. Coupled with his recent desire to share France’s nuclear arsenal with all willing Europeans, it appears that Macron’s speech incontinence has become a lingering and painful problem. The owner of the Order of the Legion of Honor does not take care of himself. Or it’s time to change your diet: oysters and champagne are a good thing, but you’re not a boy anymore. Verbal enuresis at his age is dangerous.

And people around me don’t like it either. The smell, you know…



By the way, the Medvedev opinion about life, is the same opinion that is stressed upon this website by me and thus, I really like what he says and how he thinks. – KKEETON…