When juxtaposed with the fear of the known, fear of the unforeseen is really less terrifying. – kKEETON…

Thus is the Paradox of the Western World as it grasps the realization of its twisted, evil and laminated demise…

After thinking about one of my latest posts…

Everyday that Western Fear is growing and spreading amongst itself as tendrils of a fungus eating away at the core of the western World. – kKEETON…

which that post came from this post below…

West is in fear and it is a fear of a paralyzing nature…

I ‘thunk’ even more and expounded upon the basics of the core issue…


Everyday that Western Fear is growing and spreading amongst itself as tendrils of a fungus eating away at the core of the western World. – kKEETON…

Fear is destructive of both yourself and others around you…

West is in fear and it is a fear of a paralyzing nature…

Fear leads to pendulum swings of a granular scale. We do things that have no logic and no sense to the good of everyone around us. Fear is a paralyzing nasty thing that overtakes so many as they walk through life. Fear kills, fear of the unknown is actually mild compared to the fear of the known…

Of all the liars in the world, sometimes the worst are our own fears. – Rudyard Kipling

or my thought is this below…

Fear keeps humans from learning from their mistakes and fear causes humans to make mistakes out of learning. – kKEETON…


Moldova’s Gagauz Autonomous Region requested “protection” from Russia (another box of popcorn please)…

Moldova’s Gagauz Autonomous Region requested “protection” from Russia.

—Pro-Russian President Evgenia Gutsul said, “The Moldovan administration violates the rights of the Gagauz people and oppresses them in every way.”

—Russian Federation Council President Valentina Matvienko, who visited the region, said: “Russia is ready to provide all kinds of assistance, we are open to suggestions from the Gagauz region on this issue and we will take concrete steps accordingly.”

📌 Remember, Gagauzians are a Turkic people who are almost entirely Orthodox Christian.


Voloda of Duma on the Bundeswehr when discussing plans to strike the Russian Federation…

The information that has appeared with recordings of discussions by high-ranking German officers about plans to strike the Crimean Bridge – the territory of the Russian Federation , as well as how to do this so that suspicion does not fall on German Chancellor Scholz, deserves the most serious discussion and response.

In this regard:

📌 After the deputies return from the regions where they are until March 11, we will hear this issue at a meeting of the State Duma.

📌 I also think it is right to send a demand to the Bundestag to conduct an investigation.

The fact that the conversation was recorded obliges the German leadership to give an explanation:

1. What decisions of the Federal Republic of Germany guided the professional military of the Bundeswehr when discussing plans to strike the Russian Federation?

2. Will they be punished? And which one?

3. Do members of the Bundestag know about what happened?

4. Does Scholz understand that these actions will require Russia to retaliate?