Medvedev on the conversation between Bundeswehr officers about planned attacks on our country…

Regarding the conversation between Bundeswehr officers
about planned attacks on our country

After all, our eternal opponents, the Germans, have again turned into sworn enemies. Look at how carefully and in what detail the Krauts discuss attacks on our territory using long-range missiles, select targets to hit and the most likely ways to cause maximum harm to our Motherland and our people. Not forgetting the use of false rhetoric about Germany’s non-participation in the conflict.
Who could have imagined this just recently?
How to respond to this diplomatically?
Don’t know…

I know one thing. You can’t say it better than a poet:

That’s what he wanted, it’s his fault,
Let his house burn, not yours,
And even if it’s not your wife,
And let him be a widow.
Let it not be yours to cry,
And his mother who gave birth,
Not yours, but his family
Let him wait in vain.
So kill at least one!
So kill him quickly!
How many times will you see him?
Kill him so many times!
(K. Simonov. Kill him! 1942)

And again the call from the times of the Great Patriotic War became relevant:
