“Tell them. Tell them all. Whoever comes, whoever it is”…

PARIS, March 21. /TASS/. Russian servicemen will eliminate all French soldiers coming to Ukraine, State Duma Deputy Speaker Pyotr Tolstoy said.

“We will kill all French soldiers who will come to the territory of Ukraine. All of them,” he told the BFMTV channel. The politician also pointed out that 147 out of 367 French mercenaries who arrived in Ukraine earlier have been eliminated.

Read: https://tass.com/politics/1762957

Sounds like a Hollywood movie…

John Wick Chapter 2 – Tell them. Tell them all. Whoever comes, whoever it is, I’ll kill them. I’ll kill them all.

Russia does not bluff and Russia is ready, not just getting ready, but is ready for the West to attack…

Don’t you find it interesting that the West whom started this war, was not ready for the war “they” started?


Today is Sergei Lavrov’s birthday….

An outstanding political figure in Russia, a diplomat who has represented and defended the interests of the Motherland in the international arena for many years…

74 years old…

With all our hearts we wish Sergei Viktorovich good health and continued ability to meet the Western Devil head on…


Been watching and Kiev gets slammed for Belgorod election disrupting attemps. And this is a very good thing and should be increased…

Early in the morning there was an alarm throughout Ukraine, as well as explosions in Kiev itself…

Ukrainians all over internet write that cruise missiles are flying along with “Daggers”…

Red means air strikes and all of Ukraine is paying for what they tried to do during Russian Elections…



Russian Defence Minister General of the Army Sergei Shoigu gave important facts today about SMO…

⚡️ Kiev regime hides the real situation on the battlefield from the citizens, presenting terrorist attacks against Russian citizens for its successes and increasing forced mobilisation

💬 Russian Defence Minister General of the Army Sergei Shoigu:

‘The Russian groups of forces continue to push the enemy out of the occupied positions and prevent it from gaining a foothold on new lines.

As a result of the heavy losses, desertions in the AFU troops have become more frequent.

Civilians are being pillaged in Ukrainian-controlled territory.

The Kiev regime has been hiding the real situation on the battlefield from the citizens, presenting terrorist attacks against Russian citizens for its successes and increasing forced mobilisation.

The United States and its satellites are extremely concerned about Russian military success. It is becoming increasingly difficult for them to convince the Western community in the need to continue funding and supplying the AFU with arms and ammunition.

Faced with this, the Ukrainian command is forced to use the remaining reserves and employ the most expensive foreign hardware.

However, this did not change the situation in the special military operation zone in favour of the enemy

. Since the beginning of the year, four Abrams and five Leopard tanks, 27 Bradley vehicles, six HIMARS launchers, 11 anti-aircraft missile launchers, including five Patriots have been neutralised.

In total, the AFU losses during this period, i.e., since early 2024, have amounted to more than 71,000 people and 11,000 units of various weapons. This is almost three times higher than in the same period last year.

The Joint Group of Forces will build on this success and increase fire damage on enemy targets’.

Full text of Sergei Shoigu’s address at the Board Session of the Russian Ministry of Defence

🔹 Russian Defence Ministry

⚡️ 419 unmanned aerial vehicles and 67 projectiles shot down during the election events

💬 Russian Defence Minister General of the Army Sergei Shoigu:

‘In accordance with the instructions of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, the Armed Forces ensure safe voting during the presidential election of the Russian Federation, including in new regions of the country.

In order to disrupt election activities,

the Kiev regime has used terrorist methods of pressure on Russian citizens.

There was targeted shelling of polling places and State institutions where only civilians were present. This was known both to the AFU commanding officers and to their Western advisors.

To prevent terrorist attacks, Russian troops intensified the protection of government and social facilities and reinforced the air defence system.

During the election events,

419 unmanned aerial vehicles and 67 projectiles have been shot down.

In addition, Ukrainian militants attempted to seize border settlements in Belgorod and Kursk regions.

The most intensive actions were carried out near Kozinka. All the enemy’s attacks have been successfully repelled, the enemy was driven back from the Russian territory.

The AFU losses in the area of State border covering groups amounted to more than 3,500, more precisely 3,501 people, including 790 non-recoverable casualties over the past eight days. Twenty-three tanks, 34 armoured vehicles including 11 Bradley, five Vampire MLRS launchers, and one Mi-8 helicopter have been neutralised.

Thanks to the measures taken, it has been possible to save the lives of hundreds of people and to ensure that the vote is conducted. With regard to the participation of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in the presidential election. The Armed Forces of Russian Federation showed an unprecedented turnout of 99.8%.

In total, more than 1.5 million troops and civilian personnel of the Russian Armed Forces cast a vote.

Particular attention was paid to organising the election in the special military operation zone’.

Full text of Sergei Shoigu’s address at the Board Session of the Russian Ministry of Defence

🔹 Russian Defence Ministry

⚡️ ️Sergei Shoigu: the Russian Armed Forces to form two combined-arms armies and thirty formations, including fourteen divisions and sixteen brigades by late 2024

‘According to the decision of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, the Russian Armed Forces continue to advance and increase combat capabilities.

The Russian Armed Forces have formed an army corps, a motorised rifle division, the Dnepr River Flotilla, and a riverboat brigade.

By the end of the year, the Russian Armed Forces plan to form two combined-arms armies and thirty formations,

including fourteen divisions and sixteen brigades.

The Russian Armed Forces continue to improve combat training and increase number of military personnel

to address emerging threats to the country’s military security’.

Full text of Sergei Shoigu’s address at the Board Session of the Russian Ministry of Defence

🔹 Russian Defence Ministry

More than 70,000 servicemen apply for electronic identification card for veterans

💬 Sergei Shoigu during Russian Defence Ministry Board Session:

‘On my instructions, the Russian Defence Ministry is issuing and introducing electronic certificates for veterans of combat operations. This is done to more effectively

ensure social security for the participants of the special military operation, local wars, and armed conflicts.

On 16 March 2024, the Government of the Russian Federation

signed an order to that effect.

The electronic ID card includes the entire range of social support measures for veterans of combat operations, allows them to receive payments from the Ministry of Defence without the application, federal and regional payments, special privileges of banks, and allowances of their partners in the sphere of trade and services.


electronic ID card of a veteran of combat operations

is one of our priorities. I would like to ask you to work towards its implementation in the most active way possible’.

Full text of Sergei Shoigu’s address at the Board Session of the Russian Ministry of Defence

🔹 Russian Defence Ministry

The Red Square Parade 2024 to gather more than 9,000 people and 75 units of armament and military hardware

💬 Sergei Shoigu during Russian Defence Ministry Board Session:

‘We will discuss preparations for the parade on Red Square to mark the next anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

More than

9,000 people, 75 units of weapons and military hardware,

as well as the

aircraft of the Aerospace Forces will be involved in this event.

The dismounted column includes regiments, battalions, companies by arms and services of the Armed Forces, sections of participants of the special military operation, sections of Suvorov and Nakhimov schools, Yunarmya, female servicemen, Cossacks, and a combined military orchestra.

This year, military parades will be held in 28 cities. More than

50,000 people and about 1,000 samples of weapons and military hardware

will take part in them’.

Full text of Sergei Shoigu’s address at the Board Session of the Russian Ministry of Defence

🔹 Russian Defence Ministry

⚡️ More than 16,000 pieces of modern weapons and hardware being supplied to the Southern Military District

💬 Russian Defence Minister General of the Army Sergei Shoigu:

‘The situation regarding the special military operation in Ukraine remains difficult in the South-West strategic direction.

Under these conditions, the Southern Military District continues to build up combat capabilities.

In accordance with the Activity Plan, there are

17 staffing measures being carried out, more than 16,000 pieces of modern weapons and military equipment are being supplied, and more than 360 military infrastructure facilities are being put into service’.

Full text of Sergei Shoigu’s address at the Board Session of the Russian Ministry of Defence

🔹 Russian Defence Ministry

More than 700 Russian troops of Southern Military District have been provided with permanent accommodation

💬 Russian Defence Minister General of the Army Sergei Shoigu:

‘Great attention is paid to issues of health care and social security, and

those concerning provision of  military-provided and permanent housing for military personnel.

To date, 744 servicemen of the Southern Military District and their families have already moved into their military-provided apartments.

More than 700 people have been provided with permanent accommodation, including


under the Military Mortgage Programme.

The implementation of the District’s Activity Plan allows it

to successfully fulfil its tasks and ensure the country’s military security in this strategic area’.

Full text of Sergei Shoigu’s address at the Board Session of the Russian Ministry of Defence

🔹 Russian Defence Ministry

Opening address by Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation General of the Army Sergei Shoigu at Defence Ministry Board Session

📑 Read full text

🔹 Russian Defence Ministry