I like how humans pick and choose and or chose that voice they want or did to listen to. (or Maybe they just don’t listen anymore?)

It is “black and white” and it is “good or bad”, nothing more and nothing less…

Your desires and own personal makeup is what makes you listen to that voice. That voice that says to not do it or to do it and we all listen to the voice that gives us what we desire the most…

So many times within our existence the voice that says not to do that is overridden by the voice that says go ahead and get what you deserve, because you really deserve it. It has nothing to do with whether we really deserve it, it is all to do with our desires…

Yet there is hope if we do listen to the little voices within our heads!

Drinking a beer & cigarettes, while your kids eat potato chips and hotdogs because they are the cheapest thing you can afford after buying beer. Is no worse than the rich person who has a side cheating person in the second home and or cottage they own and yet they still give original kids & spouse all they need. There is no difference, money means nothing, it is what is in your head and your actions that you do as your desires are answered. Just that rich can cover their desires easier than the poor and thus, we look down more upon the poor as their kids eat hotdogs and drink beer. So replace beer with champagne and all is good? Right?

It is up to us and we have been given the basics to make decisions. Maybe we don’t like the basics and want more? Do we need more? Do we always have to ‘do better than the Jones’s’? Must we fight against nature? Must we forsake our beginnings? Must we hate? Must we kill? Must we steal? Must we worship money? Must we follow the dark? Must we etc. etc. etc…

Interesting to watch humans as they make decisions, they use very interesting criteria to achieve what they want. Fast, money, instant, gratifying, selfish, wanting, desires, credit, are just a few words that pop up as you watch humans try to get the next iPhone. That fits Western life well and so many desire all that they can grab at one time…

Why fish with a hook and worm and get one fish, when you can be greedy and use a net at your tiny pond and get all the fish at once? What fish do you have later as you starve?

Everyday you listen to those voices, but just maybe you don’t hear them anymore and just grab at all you desire and want. Is it easier to just run with the pack at times? Never looking at what you need and what those around you need to survive and live honestly and clean. Maybe walk your own path? Find someone to walk that path with? Maybe the Devil has won and his voice is all you have heard for a longtime? And you have tuned out the little voice that says, “NO!”

The ‘Satan Bandwagon’ is not all it is cut out to be…


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About Russian_Village

A survivor of six heart attacks and a brain tumor, a grumpy bear of a man, whom has declared Russia as his new and wonderful home. His wife is a true Russian Sweet Pea of a girl and she puts up with this bear of a guy and keeps him in line. Thank God for my Sweet Pea and Russia.