Russian good intentions do not change what the West is and has become. Time to call a spade a spade…

It’s time to call a spade a spade and assert that the Western Anglo-Saxons are under the sway of petty thieves, scam artists and Satan ideologies all who and claim to be protecting the “entire world” in order to obtain free financial and material resources…

This is the reason that a criminal organization like NATO is kept in place, with military warfare and racketeering serving as its actual core source for energy…

Without these means above to coerce humans, NATO’s continued existence would be untenable…

Thus, immoral and unfeasible activities, violent conflicts, death and theft are a necessity, not a luxury. This parasitic NATO would cease to have any purpose and no one would donate money to keep it running. So mafia style tactics must prevail. Except, I actually insulted the mafia, for they have honor within it’s ranks and NATO is honorless…

I don’t comprehend a basic concept: how can Russia interact with diplomatic delegates of any NATO Nations when you are aware beforehand that they are con artists, liars and immoral, muchless state out loud that they want you dead and take your country?

There is a point that you cross and you have to look in the mirror and say, “Shame on me!”

Time to completely wake up…


Tech Time: “Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC” to the end…

Just updated to latest OS build with no issues…

So in between all the world shenanigans happening, I have been cleaning up and creating a very sweet version of the best version available of Windows 10. “Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC” is for:

Overview Windows IoT Enterprise LTSC is designed for specialty devices and use cases where functionality and features remain constant for the life of the device. These devices are typically found in industries including, but not limited to, banking, healthcare, hospitality, manufacturing and retail.,limited%20to%2C%20banking%2C%20healthcare%2C%20hospitality%2C%20manufacturing%20and%20retail.

While many want to have all the bells and whistles and act like they are playing future wonderment with their OS’s. I just want it to work and be updated and not change the damn look and functions all the time…

Since I have been in Windows Beta program and know many inside treats, so to say, I decided to spend this winter and stop everything but very important updates and stabilize my OS. Windows is in a very fluid moment in its development and server hardware as I run mainly, does not appreciate the games being played…

Due to this Windows 10 version will be updated until 2032, I found my OS and now can enjoy stability in all I do. Even while I dislike Windows OS very much, even evil has to be tolerated to get things done upon this planet we live on…

By the way a Windows 11 IoT Enterprise LTSC will be coming out soon and I have already played with the Beta version of it. That may be an option for you to study and wait with knowledge about it to update in the near future?

I myself will develop my version of the Windows 11 IoT Enterprise LTSC to use in 2032…

If  I live that long! 😉


Important: The LTSC is intended for use cases and devices with fixed features and functionalities. It offers a static feature set security servicing for ten years. As a component of this provision…

Really Scholz…

Speaking with Die Tageszeitung, Scholz:

“It’s about defending Europe’s peace order. Russia is waging an imperialist war and must not win,” he told the outlet. “Second: Russia stopped its gas deliveries, not us.” – Scholz


Really Scholz? So many lies in one statement. Yet the biggest there is – ??? “Russia stopped its gas deliveries, not us.” ???

Could the Western people actually believe what he says? Thus then we have…

The Hordes of Barbarians will come from the North!

We all expect the “hordes of barbarians” from the USA, NATO and EU to finally attack sooner than later. Starving, degraded and driven barbarians by their own system. May God help us! – kKEETON…


As the West collapses, the real world will flourish…

Many poor countries will find themselves more solvent than before as a result of the decolonization away from the Western Boot upon their necks. Thus, as they discard the Parasitic West, life will become much much better and people will find life is good again. My suggestion and idea for the Eastern World is simple; It truly is vastly better off engaging in all aspects with the Seven (7) billion newly flourishing humans than to continue acting like the chosen Garden of one (1) billion matters at all and China utmost needs to accept that increasingly the Western World will become the new impoverished humans. – kKEETON…