Russian good intentions do not change what the West is and has become. Time to call a spade a spade…

It’s time to call a spade a spade and assert that the Western Anglo-Saxons are under the sway of petty thieves, scam artists and Satan ideologies all who and claim to be protecting the “entire world” in order to obtain free financial and material resources…

This is the reason that a criminal organization like NATO is kept in place, with military warfare and racketeering serving as its actual core source for energy…

Without these means above to coerce humans, NATO’s continued existence would be untenable…

Thus, immoral and unfeasible activities, violent conflicts, death and theft are a necessity, not a luxury. This parasitic NATO would cease to have any purpose and no one would donate money to keep it running. So mafia style tactics must prevail. Except, I actually insulted the mafia, for they have honor within it’s ranks and NATO is honorless…

I don’t comprehend a basic concept: how can Russia interact with diplomatic delegates of any NATO Nations when you are aware beforehand that they are con artists, liars and immoral, muchless state out loud that they want you dead and take your country?

There is a point that you cross and you have to look in the mirror and say, “Shame on me!”

Time to completely wake up…