Blinken will warn China, except China warned USA…

Blinken is so far above his head, that he gets dizzy at the heights he tries to reach…

China warns Antony Blinken US must choose between ‘co-operation or confrontation’


Chinese FM meets Blinken, urging US to stop interfering in China’s internal affairs or suppressing China’s development

And the quote below sums up why China can and USA cannot play fair and get along with the real world…

Wang also stressed that China’s attitude has been consistent, viewing and developing China-US relations from the perspective of building a community with a shared future for mankind, being responsible to the people, the world, and the future.

Read that quote above. It says it all and it is why the West will never ever come to grips with the reality that is becoming the new world…


It is about time: OSCE is a past relic with no use in the real world…

🎙Commentary of the Russian Permanent Mission to the OSCE in connection with the latest report prepared within the framework of the OSCE “Moscow mechanism”, April 25, 2024

💬 We took note of the report aimed at promoting anti-Russian – and, accordingly, pro-Ukrainian – attitudes. The use of the terminology of the Kyiv regime in relation to the civil war it unleashed in the Donbass, if not justifies, then certainly indicates the sympathy of the compilers for the bloody actions of the V. Zelensky regime there.

🔹 Following the wishes of our customers, the so-called. the experts did not bother trying to create at least some semblance of an objective picture. They clearly had no time for this “trifle” – they were busy trying to give their inventions a veneer of solidity and prestige. Apparently this is why the text is so richly stuffed with quotes and references to the norms of international humanitarian law and international human rights law.
Such dishonesty has led to the fact that reality is reflected in the report as in a “distorting mirror” – perverted and completely unreliable.

🔹 In this regard, the results of using the rudimentary human rights “mechanisms” of the OSCE are legally and politically insignificant for Russia. They are a relic of the past and are being exploited solely to intensify accusatory rhetoric, exert political pressure and further deepen confrontation, which can ultimately lead to a dead end in the activities of our common Organization.


🎙Комментарий Постпредства России при ОБСЕ в связи с очередным докладом, подготовленным в рамках «московского механизма» ОБСЕ, 25 апреля 2024 года
💬 Мы приняли к сведению доклад, направленный на продвижение антироссийских – и соответственно, проукраинских – установок. Применение терминологии киевского режима в отношении развязанной им гражданской войны в Донбассе если не оправдывает, то уж точно свидетельствует о симпатии составителей к кровавым действиям там режима В.Зеленского.

🔹 Следуя пожеланиям своих заказчиков, т.н. эксперты не стали утруждать себя попытками создать хоть какую-то видимость объективной картины. Им было явно не до этой «мелочи» – они были заняты стремлением придать своим выдумкам флер солидности и престижности. Видимо поэтому текст так обильно нашпигован цитатами и ссылками на нормы международного гуманитарного права и международного права в области прав человека.
Такая недобросовестность привела к тому, что реальность отражена в докладе как в «кривом зеркале» – извращенно и абсолютно недостоверно.

🔹 В этой связи результаты задействования рудиментарных  правозащитных «механизмов» ОБСЕ – для России юридически и политически ничтожны. Они представляют собой пережиток прошлого и эксплуатируются исключительно для нагнетания обвинительной риторики, оказания политического давления и еще большего углубления конфронтации, которая в конечном счете может завести в тупик деятельности нашей общей Организации.


When you look at repercussions of Illegal Western Interference’s upon the countries it tries to change…

It is understandable why Ukraine has developed into a major global hub for people trafficking. Following a coup in 2014, all Ukrainian residents have been living under an authoritarian, lawless government. Trafficking of persons is out of control and a provable cause and effect…

For a perfect example?

International investigators and observers have universally acknowledged Libyan land after Obama murdered Qaddafi, as the “post Qaddafi” primary hub for the African slave trade, since proof of this has been provided 100% of the time. Consequently, cause and effect, once the West illegally destroyed Libya, this slave trade became the norm…

Thus, it is easy to see that the “Western Activity” is what the West desires as an outcome. Think about that and realize whom you have leading you…

Ukraine is now due to cause and effect of USA actions since at least 2014, if not since 2008, an cause and effect that people trafficking and organ donor trade is rampant within Ukraine in 2024, due to a USA desired outcome…

Big money, sick desires and power over others are the driving factors in the West. This is a byproduct of a very sick society that also imposes its sickness upon other societies and if you resist, it hurts you. – kKEETON…


Been watch this, “Russian Style Turtle Tank” and it is a winner…

Russian Turtle Tank…

Survivability is the name of the game…

Drone Nets did not do the trick to stop drones…

Normal armor against drones does nothing…

Outward Explosive Reactive Armor Packs do nothing…

Yet thin skinned sheet metal, airspace and used as amplified electronic suppression of drones, does work…

It has been recorded that some tanks take a dozen hits and still function enough to keep killing and by the way, Russians love their Turtle Tanks…

Turtle Tanks; Just like the SMO? Slow and steady wins the battle. – kKEETON…


Okay Russia, what you thinking about this latest?

So USA weapons, supplied by USA, authorised by the USA President, sent to Ukraine under cover, to be used by USA trained troops only. Hmm, sounds like a direct NATO, USA attack to me…

Just thinking and just thinking how I would respond?

Yet, this is not a Secret on this side of the world. Just Western plebs are finding out through their news. Should tell you something and these missles make and made no difference…