Sandy Beach Hotel and Resort at the UAE – Post 3…

First and second parts below links…

Sandy Beach Hotel and Resort at the UAE – Post 1


Sandy Beach Hotel and Resort at the UAE – Post 2

Now final and Part 3…

How about the rooms?

Clean, fresh, special air scrubbing machines for humidity and virus, TV, phone, big bath with shower only, kitchenette with microwave and good size refrigerator, patio with table and chairs and rooms cleaned everyday if you desire. We don’t and like every three days and they let us be…

For Svetochka and I, rooms were perfect and we ask no more and or no less…

Nearby stuff:

Nice easy walks to stores to buy food, easy walk to various public beaches to study the aborigines and kilometers of every night walking in perfect safety. People locally are great. We never are bored and found many things to do. Everyone has different opinions, but safety is the big thing for us. There was even a Subway Sandwich shop only a few kilometers away. Oh my…

Now lets mention a couple of rough spots (people):

Two groups of outsiders whom have spoiled the real beauty of the area, yet are spending money and have to be tolerated. British and Ukrainians…

UAE is British and the Hotel catered to rich British, locals. Many years of British control is obvious and it is a sweet and sour aspect. But money talks and businesses are British and English is actually more the first language for the most part of all UAE. It was common place to have derogatory remarks about Americans as British groups sat around getting drunk (and we are talking seriously staggering drunk) and there were no Americans around at all, well except me and I listened to the hate filled rhetoric being spewed every evening…

Next is Ukrainian Refugees: You could actually call the Ukrainian’s local now, for whom we saw living in the UAE. Lots of someone else’s money, driving EV cars, extremely rude and look like something the cat has dragged in. No responsibility and never follow rules is their game and act the fool is their name…

The Ukrainians made the British look very good in comparison and I guess that is good for the British in a weird sort of way…

The reason I mention the above is that if you are not thick skinned, these two groups will destroy the vacation. The hotel is a British Resort as in #1 priority. As per normal Russians? There are better places in the UAE to go…

Enuff Said…

Now conclusion:

As I said, pristine waters to snorkel, fantastic food, great staff at hotel, well maintained, clean beach, wonderful water park for children and lots of sea turtles…

I believe the video below shows the waters and no matter what else happens, it is all about the water, baby!