Again and again the USA destroys relationships on purpose…

China calls off arms control talks with US over weapon sales to Taiwan!

China has cut off arms control and non-proliferation talks with the United States because of Washington’s arms sales to Taiwan, the Chinese foreign ministry said on Wednesday.

“China has decided to suspend talks with the US on holding a new round of arms control and non-proliferation consultations,” ministry spokesman Lin Jian said.

Wake up people…

The war drums against China are getting loud…


“The order of the West is a scam.” Medvedev gave an exclusive interview to AiF…

“The order of the West is a scam.” Medvedev gave an exclusive interview to AiF

Dmitry Medvedev has a long track record. President of Russia, Prime Minister, Chairman of United Russia. For the last 4.5 years, he has been working as deputy chairman of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, being Vladimir Putin’s deputy in this body. talked to him about how Kyiv tried for many years to get into NATO, how Washington violated the agreements given to Russia by Bush Sr., and how the creator of Pink Floyd is superior to the leader of U2.

У Дмитрия Медведева — большой послужной список. Президент России, премьер-министр, председатель «Единой России». Последние 4,5 года он работает зампредом Совета безопасности РФ, являясь заместителем Владимира Путина в этом органе. поговорил с ним о том, как Киев много лет пытался попасть в НАТО, как Вашингтон нарушил договорённости, данные России Бушем-старшим, и в чём создатель «Пинк Флойд» превосходит лидера U2.


China and Russia are bracing for any eventuality, particularly in light of the US’s impending catastrophic political financial and total moral collapse. Plus this upcoming election is looking much more like an impending national catastrophe. – kKEETON…

Europe is already slipping over the edge of the abyss and looking to start the snowball effect at any minute…

The USA is getting ready to do a Zimbabwe and probably a Weimar Republic at the same time. Time for Zillion Dollar loaves of bread, anyone?

All based on crazy sold out politicians, unwashed as dumb as rocks, no resources left of their own, having forsaken God for lessor material and immoral gods and just being plain bat-shit crazy, on top of it all…