Our almost thirty year old electronic Cuckoo Clock from China wore out, so I rebuilt her…

I realize it is not, a in a sense, a real Cuckoo Clock, yet it is a family member and anything that lasts almost 30 years, deserves respect in this day and age. An age that seems to be, a 1 year use it and toss it away and buy a new one type age…

This clock cost me $20 at a Big Box Store and at the time that was a bunch of money for me. Twenty eight years ago now. We lost the swinging of the pendulum first, wore out many years ago and then the cuckoo recently stopped coming out, but it kept time and still made the cuckoo sound. Cuckoo just stayed sleeping all the time. 🙂

Therefore, I hunted on AliExpress and finally found a store that carried the original cuckoo mechanisms. After measuring and triple measuring, we bought the cuckoo insides and 16 days later, we got it…

The clock is actually made of real walnut and thus it survived the trip to Russia because of that. I found the same clock recently and they want over 84,468 ₽ (rubles) for this (our) clock, which is give and or take a bit, $960. That is crazy, sad, stupid and it shows me that inflation is dangerously nuts…

The insides cost 3,500 rubles = around $40 and that was still twice as expensive as original, but that is okay…


When I bought this cuckoo clock it was one of thousands piled up on skids and I grabbed a clock that the box had not been crushed, tore open and or thrown at the wall. It was a good buy, even though it hurt my budget at the time. I bought this clock to keep me company and it worked. It now keeps Sveta and I happy as it cuckoos all day on the hour for us and it has a sensor to keep it quiet at night…

Life is interesting…


About the Author


A survivor of six heart attacks and a brain tumor, a grumpy bear of a man, whom has declared Russia as his new and wonderful home. His wife is a true Russian Sweet Pea of a girl and she puts up with this bear of a guy and keeps him in line. Thank God for my Sweet Pea and Russia.