Medvedev on, “Talks that had vague prospects and no tangible outcomes.”

As I see it, there has existed a certain danger of late, however theoretical, of a ‘negotiations trap’ that our country might have fallen into, under a certain set of circumstances. I am talking, of course, about the premature and unnecessary peace talks suggested by the international community and then forced on the Kiev regime. Talks that had vague prospects and no tangible outcomes.

Now that the neo-Nazis have carried out their terrorist attack in the Kursk region, everything falls back into place. The casual chit-chat of self-proclaimed intermediaries on the virtuous subject of peace has ceased. Even if they cannot say it out loud, everyone recognises the reality of the situation. They understand that there will be NO NEGOTIATIONS UNTIL THE ENEMY IS COMPLETELY AND UTTERLY DESTROYED!

As to the ugly-faced scumbag with a messed-up white mop of a hairdo from the country that helped prepare the terrorist attack: he shouldn’t be too eager to celebrate it. His country has made things much worse for the parts of former Ukraine still under their charge, and now there will be much more pointless spending, a lot more destroyed armour and a radically higher number of caskets. And the miserable Ukrainian serfs will keep kissing the bloodied hands of their Anglo-Saxon masters, overcome by gratitude to these necrophiliacs that take joy in abusing their subjects.



Actually as I say, “The West is very very sick!”

The leaders of these Western countries are absolutely nuts. They simply planned, funded, sent their men and trained an invasion of Russia itself. What were they thinking?

“According to available information, the operation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Kursk Region was prepared with the involvement of the security agencies of the US, Britain and Poland,” the SVR said in a statement published by Izvestia on Wednesday…

It is not a joke and now you know that the West has lost total reality and does not care about their own people anymore than other countries people…

It is a sickness and we need to find the source. And fast…


About the West Russia…

You’re interacting and dealing with people who want their self-gratification now. Their lives are meant to be spent playing video games, getting stoned, getting drunk, getting fat eating Taco Bell & Pizza, partying and most of all they hate each other as much as they hate Russia…

They live one foolish self-satisfying moment at a time…