I am not sure what to think about this, but I know his guardian angel 😇 worked overtime…

I thought about what he did and then I realized what he did. The charge or explosion is designed to blow up and sideways. This guy is smart. He set it off above his head and the result was expected, it blew upwards and sideways. I heard the Russian gear is second to none. I am a believer and really hope he was not mortally injured. Amazing…

Феноменальные кадры! Не перевелись богатыри на Руси!

FPV-дрон противника издевательски медленно подлетает к нашему бойцу и зависает на уровне человеческого роста перед атакой.

Наш боец встает в стойку, словно это боксерский ринг.

Дрон атакует, и солдат выпадом вперед бьет беспилотник головой.

Взрыв. Дым рассеивается, и наш богатырь спокойно уходит в лес. Как тут не поверить, что Бог на нашей стороне!


Phenomenal shots! There are still heroes in Rus’!

The enemy’s FPV drone mockingly slowly flies up to our fighter and hovers at human height before attacking.

Our fighter takes a stance as if it were a boxing ring.

The drone attacks and the soldier lunges forward and headbutts the drone.

Explosion. The smoke clears, and our hero calmly goes into the forest. How can you not believe that God is on our side!



Another one…

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About Russian_Village

A survivor of six heart attacks and a brain tumor, a grumpy bear of a man, whom has declared Russia as his new and wonderful home. His wife is a true Russian Sweet Pea of a girl and she puts up with this bear of a guy and keeps him in line. Thank God for my Sweet Pea and Russia.