5G интернет в России: 5G Internet in Russia…

Had my first taste of 5G…

Faster than a striped ass ape with his tail on fire…

В России же рекорд скорости 5G пока принадлежит “Мегафону”. В июне оператору удалось добиться передачи данных в сети на скорости 35 гигабит в секунду. Испытания проводились в лабораторных условиях на оборудовании Huawei. Базовая станция работала в режиме TDD в диапазоне 7 ГГц с шириной полосы 2 ГГц.

In Russia, the 5G speed record still belongs to Megafon. In June, the operator managed to achieve data transfer in the network at a speed of 35 gigabits per second. The tests were carried out in laboratory conditions on Huawei equipment. The base station operated in TDD mode in the 7 GHz band with a 2 GHz bandwidth.

Source: 5G интернет в России: дата выхода и скорость передачи данных

The strange thing is that I am getting it free. No password so far….Brand new popped up WiFi and I find it available even outside as I walk around. Not sure this will last, maybe it is an experiment. Maybe our city will get free WiFi? It is rated at 5G and after a speed test on my Cheap Chinese Phone? I saw bouncing the virtual needle, on the virtual gauge, on the virtual screen: 10+ gigabits per second…

Yes, not full speed yet, but hey, my Cheap Chinese Phone only cost $80 bucks…

Russia has gone all out, just like many countries on this side of the world and 5G is here. Russia is leading the way as they implement it full steam ahead…

I am lucky to just happen to have a Chinese Phone that is 4G + 5G (seriously) ready and well, all I will say is that the data stream is, “Faster than a striped ass ape with his tail on fire!”

Won’t be long for everyone here in Russia…