Pochep, Russia and Her Claim to Fame…

Pochep (Russian: Почеп) is a town in Bryansk Oblast of Russia, 84 km south-west of Bryansk. Population: 17,064. According to information Pochep is not a very exciting spot on the earth. The previous claim to fame is the Church of the Resurrection, built to a confident Baroque design by Antonio Rinaldi in the 1750’s…

Well another little said claim to fame has just come forward into the worlds eyes. Pochep has been put on the map now. I personally would wish for a better way to be put on the map…

Russia who is the proud owner of the worlds largest stockpile of chemical weapons and for that matter the largest stockpile of WMD’s. (weapons of mass destruction) Has opened a new plant designed to destroy the country’s large collection of cold war era chemical weapons…

Having signed on to The International Chemical Weapons Convention, Russia rendered almost half of its chemical weapons useless or destroyed. Russia is now facing a deadline in the year 2012 to have all of its chemical weapons disbanded and destroyed. So Pochep, which is the storage site to a vast amount of nerve agent about 7,500 tons or 20% of all the chemical weapons to be destroyed has been given the honors of a new facility to get rid of the weapons…

If Russia still has the worlds largest collection of chemical weapons and they have destroyed half. Could you imagine the vast quantity that they had before they destroyed the first half?

When I think about what I know about the American arsenal and then the more that I find out about the Russian (Soviet) side of the situation. I really do believe in miracles…

It is a miracle that we still have a planet to live on…