We Got a Big Problem and it is Getting Much Worse…

I was drinking my morning cup of coffee and doing some thinking about what the heck is going on with the Korea’s?

China is waving their arms and saying excuse me. Why is America playing war games over here…

Russia is waving their arms and saying excuse me. Why is America playing war games over here?

Japan is now being a good little puppet and having war games with America in exactly the wrong spot, trying to entice World War III…

South Korea the next puppet who started this whole mess by playing on an island that is questionably not theirs. They are also in turmoil internally and have been playing war games on the edge of World War III also…

North Korea is like the bulldog in a pack of German Shepard’s and lets everyone know that they will run with the big dogs, even if they have to bite your legs off to prove it…

America has gone into overdrive playing war games on the border of World War III with Japan and South Korea. America is ike a spoiled unwanted child who wants to cause problems but at the same time telling everyone that they do not know why World War III is looming on the horizon…

Then to top the cake with rancid icing. The U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is meeting with the Foreign Ministers of South Korea and Japan in Washington on Monday, aiming to discuss with them the policy towards North Korea. They have deliberately excluded the three most important countries to help keep World War III from exploding… (China, Russia and North Korea)

Now once again China is asking why are you having a meeting that has no meaning? What about us you fools, we have been trying to get everyone together about this issue…

Now once again Russia is asking why are you having a meeting that has no meaning? What about us you fools, we have been trying to get everyone together about this issue…

Now once again North Korea is barking like a mad bulldog and will rain death from the skies. (Or from the ankles up. Either way it could be a sorry time in South Korea because North Korea has very little to lose.)

This is the dumbest most pathetic escapade that I have seen in a long time and Russia / China have been from day one trying to get everyone to calm down. While the US of A has done nothing but play war games and do the worst thing possible given a certain situation…

Do you see what is happening? Do we want a war? If we do, Why? If not, then what are we doing having war games next to North Korea?

This is what Ron Paul said, Before the US House of Representatives, November 30, 2010, on the resolution condemning North Korea:

Mr. Speaker, I rise in opposition to this saber-rattling resolution that unnecessarily escalates tensions between North and South Korea and may in fact put U.S. troops stationed in the area at risk. This resolution portrays the recent hostilities between the two Korea’s as “an unprovoked military attack” by North Korea, which is untrue. We know that South Korea was conducting live fire military exercises in the vicinity of disputed territory and that this action, taken with U.S. military support and participation, likely led to the exchange of gunfire between the two sides… Read More >>>

Stop the games America and act like a world leader. Sit down with China, Russia, Japan, South Korea and North Korea and get some basic under control…