Important: Looks Like Bill Richards Was Successful in the Defusing of the Korea’s…

One man went to North Korea and settled the dust before a war has broke out. The World is exclaiming the North is scared of the US and the South so no retaliation was wrought… (Hummm….)

I suggest a different thought: Bill Richardson, former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations gave us a Christmas present and we have peace for the holidays…

North Korea has agreed to a series of actions, including the return of U.N. inspectors, following discussions with Bill Richardson, former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, CNN’s Wolf Blitzer said Monday. The North agreed to allow International Atomic Energy Agency personnel to return to a nuclear facility in the country and agreed to negotiate the sale of 12,000 fresh fuel rods and ship them to an outside country, presumably to South Korea, said Blitzer, who is traveling with Richardson.

Looks like Bill on his unsanctioned trip to the North was a thousand times more productive than an Aircraft carrier off of North Korea’s coast would ever be. Bill Richards also asked the North not to retaliate for shelling by the South and they did not retaliate. Even though the South was asked repeatedly please do not play war games with America…

Thank you Bill Richards!

Now – America, pull the warships and quit the war games at the North Korea border…