The Road From the Village!

Driving home last week, my thoughts at first were on staying alive!

Why? You ask…

Because Russian drivers are so different than American drivers. Russian drivers are very aggressive. They always do the wrong thing at the wrong time, according to my thinking. Yes I said according to my thinking!

It dawned on me yesterday, I was at fault. I was thinking like an American. I was driving like an American. I expected everyone else to drive like an American. Big problem I am in Russia! 🙂

So I figured out that if I drove like them that I would be going with the grain instead of against the grain. Guess what it worked!

So I drove like a Russian. I drove the same way that Russians do. You see they all drive the same way. So how they drive is normal, The way I drove was not…

With this realization came the best drive I have had in Russia. It was 360+ km of really nice enjoyable ride…

I learn more everyday…
