Why Are We Cruel to Other People? (Needle Boy)

Sometimes the world is cruel and inhumane! I have followed this story from the beginning and have been silent about it because I have been thinking! Thinking how cruel the world can be to children and or people – at times. Be it the past or present…

This x-ray of a young boy (2 1/2 years old) in Brazil shows (31) sewing needles that have been stuck in his body. Not just stuck in a little ways but inserted into his lungs, heart, liver, neck all over his body! This was done by his stepfather and a new girlfriend. His stepfather is 30-year-old Roberto Carlos Magalhaes and has been arrested and confessed to putting the needles in the boy’s body at the behest of his lover who said the act would help the two to stay together and enact revenge on his past wife. He also said that over a one month period the needles were put into the child body.

Maybe this is a case of do unto others as they have done to others. How would that stepfather like having needles stuck in his body over a month? (Sorry but things like this just upset me!)

I hope the boy recovers…

Windows to Russia!
comments always welcome.

PS: I realize that many things like this happen all the time, but I can not write about them all. There is not enough bandwidth in the world. Sad is it not?