Update From Windows to Russia! (Visa Run Time)

January has been a very busy month here in Russia and I have to apologize for a slow down in posting. What with New years , Christmas, my birthday and several important business engagements, I have not been able to keep up. To top the list at the end of this week I have to travel to Kiev, Ukraine for my visa trip.

Svetlana already got my train tickets and I have to leave by this Saturday (23rd) to get out of Russia on time. I always wonder will I get back in Russia with out any trouble? So far I have made it back…
I will have a post on getting a visa from Ukraine for Russia when I get back. Hopefully I will be back by Tuesday (26th). But as any of you know who have been following this blog – You know that a few days can turn into almost a month before I get home again.
So “knock on wood” may this be a smooth visa trip to Ukraine.
Windows to Russia!
comments always welcome.