Snow and Ice Removal in Russia!

Above – Three days have gotten this far…
Above – Nice looking yucky ice to place near the playground…
Above – Hard at work…

The last few days I have been watching how they are cleaning the streets in our complex! I have watched all winter but they have changed their tactics now…

Now they are chopping the ice and hauling it off one wheelbarrow at a time.

The normal method is to use huge homemade stick brooms –>

Then just sweep the snow up in piles and haul it off in a wheelbarrow… (When the snow is to deep to sweep – we don’t remove it!)

When we lived in Moscow, City there was a combination snowplow and workers like this, cleaning the streets. Here where we live now (Moscow Region), I have not seen a snowplow but I have seen a couple of road-graders…

It is interesting to watch them because when it starts snowing again they disappear. No more chopping ice for the day. It started to snow a few minutes ago and they scurried as fast as they can… 🙂

Now you know a little more about Russia!

Windows to Russia!

PS: Tidbit of information – It was -15 degrees Celsius when I took these pictures!