Starting to Look Like the West Will Cross the Rubicon River…

“Roman law forbade any general from crossing the Rubicon River!” I loved Roman history and studied it a lot. Caesar crossed that River. I use to think of that saying, when things happened in the field that required going against the grain and proper flow of command…

It means (at least to me) the point of no return. It means that once you cross that line (what ever it may be) you may not ever turn back and you better know what you are doing…

Caesar rallied his men with a heart felt speech and they followed him to the heart of Italy…

I am starting to see that point of no return happening in the world right now. Once that river is crossed by the West over Libya, there will be no saying, “Excuse me but we made a mistake.” But that will not happen even when we realize the mistake. Remember that you can cross the line and never attack the country. The fact is that you can still cross the boundaries with intentions…

We crossed that line in Iraq and Afghanistan and have found out that it was a huge mistake that is costing the World her peoples futures financially…

I maybe wrong but I think that the West is within a few days of striking in some form. Be it from verbal abuse to crossing the border…

The big four NATO powers England, France, United States and Germany are all in synchronization on this aspect. But what they will do in or around Libya is still anyone’s guess. Germany seems to be fluttering on issues though and America has already said we will do what everyone else does…

They have called a NATO meeting and it is in process as of right now. At least that is what I understand. When this meeting is done we will see the fruits of the process. I do know that anything that is done, just leaves the door open for total disaster to ensue…

They may even not bother with the UN because the UN will be vetoed by Russia and China…

NATO is a Western world demon and so it is fitting that they all cross the Rubicon River together in their desire to save Libya from a mad man… 🙂