Coffee and Those Interesting Helpings…

I was drinking my morning cup of coffee here in Russia and wondering about what it is with people. Why is it when you try to help people they turn on you and make a mess of theirs and yours life?

I learned early in my life that you never get involved with people personally or impersonally. I mean everyone and as far as the rest of the world is concerned, I will help and I always will and always do and always have. But I always expect to be made an enemy out of before it is over…

This is brought up because someone who needed Sveta’s and my help recently and was given help. Then after things looked good to us. We just came to the realization that all was not good on the receiving end…

That brought back so many memories of my past, a good example is: Once many years ago, I came upon a car that had just been wrecked. It had a woman in the drivers seat and a child in the seat in the back. The car was on fire and the woman was not able to get out…

To make a long story short: I got the woman out and her kid. She was OK and had no lasting physical effects. I thought everything was good until I got a summons to appear in court. I was being sued because I had moved her and could have caused serious issues due to the fact that I was not a medical doctor who knew what I was doing by moving her and her child…

I guess my option was to let her burn because by the time emergency had gotten there, her car was in total flames and she would have died with her child. The fact is that no one else was around because it was around 3 am in the morning. I had one of those huge bulky car phones (1992) in a bag that was so popular and was able to make a emergency call from that…

I was toast in the eyes of the law. Except for one thing and only one thing that got it tossed out of court after I had to spend several hundred dollars with a lawyer… (remember this was many years ago and lawyers were much cheaper then…)

The woman was drunk as a skunk and by that fact it was concluded that she could not have removed herself from the car on her own accord and have saved her child. She also by being very drunk caused her own wreck which could have taken her and her child’s life. So that I was correct in this situation to save the life of said woman and child…

This was also back in the days that being drunk was not the issue that is is now. So she was not in trouble for getting drunk…

Well as I sipping my coffee this morning. I once again get to reconstruct in my mind, where I went wrong and why it went wrong, when I helped someone solve a problem and offer any and all help needed for said issue…

So I guess that I will just have to pay for the idea, that when people need help we help them and not leave them in what ever predicament (ex:burning car) they are in at the moment…

Helping when needed is what life should be about. I just do not know why it has to have excess baggage always dragging behind it… 🙂


Windows to Russia!