Russia Asks – Did North Korea Sink the Cheonan…

I had an article that got destroyed by South Korea because I asked questions about the North/South ship sinking incident. Windows to Russia went under a DOS attack and a SQL attack because of that article. For some reason that article was never able to be recovered even from cache in any of the search engines. This article did not go without notice and it had thousands of hits from my fan group in Washington, DC. (I always know when I hit a sore spot by DC hits on the site…) This particular article had even hundreds of hits from Moscow. So I know that attention was being paid to the questions that I asked in that article. I will not go into the same detail as I did in that article but will say that all is not what it seems…

“Medvedev believes it is crucial to establish the true cause of the loss of the vessel and to establish beyond all doubt who bears personal responsibility for what happened,” the Kremlin press service said in a special statement.

Looks like Russia does not really believe the whole story just like I did not take the story at face value. South Korea has invited Russia, at Medvedev’s insistence, to look over the evidence.


PDF download Investigation result on the sinking of Cheonan [72KB]

I will say again that you need to read the report linked above. The only real evidence in that whole report is that it is without a doubt a North Korea torpedo. (But that torpedo is sold all over the world by North Korea. ) This report has no evidence that would hold up in a court of law.There has been two men who are defectors from the North Korean Army and they say that we can not prove it but they (North) did it…

It is he-say, she-say and they-say issue that has become a political mess…

Windows to Russia!

PS: With this logic I would say that if you hit someone over the head with a Craftsman wrench then it is Sears fault because they made the damn Wrench…