BP in Talks With Russia About Using The MIR Subs…

But something seems to be keeping the situation from bearing fruit!

We were thinking of some friends that we have in Florida and the fact that the oil is coming closer and closer to the beautiful Florida beaches, have caused them to express unhappiness. They have stated several times that they do not understand why America will not let the world help clean up this oil mess? Well we are here to tell you that the world is and has offered help…

Here is one excuse why America, not BP will not allow help…

It seems that in Russia the willingness is there to help, but the abilities of BP to use all the worlds resources have been curtailed a tad by political and paranoia issues. (Who would do that?)

Per the commander of the Bathyscaphe “Mir-1” – Anatoly Sagalevich. He said, that BP and Russia began talks shortly after the environmental disaster started and have not yet ended.

He explained the root of BP’s predicament, Sagalevich said that “We are Russians, and if we go to the Gulf of Mexico with Mirs and do something there, the Americans would be appalled.”

Good to know that appalled Americans help destroy the Ocean and beaches…

Windows to Russia!

PS: Lots of help offered, but NO is the answer…