Russian Voters Need “Against All” Option Reinstated…

From what I see there use to be an option on Russian election ballots that allowed Russians to vote against all parties involved in said elections. They could express that all options to vote for were so bad that they did not want to vote for anyone…

A Just Russia party leader Sergei Mironov, the former Federal Council speaker, called Friday on President Dmitry Medvedev to again give Russians the option to vote “Against All” in elections.

“We consider it necessary to return the Against All option to the election law and the voting ballots. People with solid citizenship want to express their point of view, and now we are depriving them of this right,” Mironov said during a meeting with Medvedev.

Mironov said that when there is no suitable candidate on offer and no Against All option on the ballot, people see no sense in going to the polls. He added that the Against All column is a “barometer of society’s well-being.”

There was no information about Medvedev’s response.

Now this is a great idea for Russia to reinstate and for America to add to her ballots. Instead of voting for the best of the two evils you can vote – “Against All”… 🙂

Can you imaging 51% or more of the people vote against all? Looks like it would be time to find some better candidates…

That could be a powerful tool to have on a ballot…

Windows to Russia!