Voice of Russia Going Mainstream News…

Just like Russia Today which has successfully infiltrated the main media in the West so does Voice of Russia attempt to add their expressions to the fray. Voice of Russia is going to put some more pressure on the corrupt controlled media in the West. In particular the American media…

Voice of Russia Radio is set to add a new perspective to the airwaves in the US. Their motto is: “The more voices, the better.” The service is launching two US-based stations broadcasting from Washington and New York. The Voice of Russia team in Washington reports on international and US news, just like any other news radio station. They say what makes them different is their efforts to bring up what is being left out by the US mainstream media. “When you consider America’s foreign policy has huge effects around the world, I would say we are not hearing enough,” said Carmen Russel-Sluchansky, Voice of Russia producer.

The main media in America is the Achilles heel of America and the World press is starting to figure this out. Americans are glued to media outlets and believe all they hear and see, blindly…

It will be interesting to see how the American government reacts because they (America) have already started a war on Russia Today

Windows to Russia!