Finally – I get to Nurture my Green Thumb in Russia and Sveta is all smiles…

In the past I worked such long hours that a plant did not have a chance in my home. Well with the exception of a cactus… 🙂

I love plants and have always tried to have them, but they always died during my corporate work period because as you know a plant needs attention. They are living creatures and if you never say hi, they will leave you. I had plants and gardens when I was growing up and they always thrived. I was told I had my grandma’s green thumb…

This photo is the jungle I am growing. They all started as plants that I found thrown away. Just little almost dead withered stubs and in 5 years in Russia, I have these unbelievable huge healthy plants, that bring lots of fresh oxygen to the flat and we all know that we need oxygen to live…

I even have so many plants now that I also have a bunch in the kitchen and we are starting to get a little crowded at times…

As you can see I need to move the big world map because I no longer can look at it and dream about where to travel to next. As you can also see the table they sit on is home made and that is because money is hard to come by and you don’t waste it on just anything. If you have enough wood to make a table then make a table and be happy that you have something that works. I have built three tables now for us and the first one was rough and crude but the other two are really passable as good tables…

Sveta is a wonderful girl in aspects like tables and such! If I make it, she is so happy and she does not care what it looks like! She simply loves it! If her shoe breaks and I can fix it. She is happy even if it looks not quite up to par. Why I just fixed her cellphone after the flip cover broke and ended up having to use a brass wood screw in the hinge of the phone. She was so happy and beamed and smiled at me, that her phone was still usable. She said, I can show people that you fixed this and it makes me so proud… 🙂

Sveta, like the plants seem to thrive around me and that is something that makes Russia very extra special…

Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia!