Good morning – Something to Read Over a Cup of Coffee: America the Farce…

Sometimes I read an article that just has to be re-posted and this is such an article this morning from It is really is how I feel also and I know many more that feel the same. So grab a cup of coffee and enjoy an article that tells it like it is. Jack D. Douglas is correct when he says, “No intelligent person who follows world events believes anything the U.S. says unless it is verified by really independent sources.”

So think and ask yourself after you read this article, “What is your intelligence level?

The US Farce of the Drone…

by Jack D. Douglas

The U.S, Lies about the top-secret U.S. Stealth Drone the Iranians have now put on world display completely in-tact is typical of the U.S. Big Lies about almost everything important to their Global Empire, obviously including the existence of that U.S. Global Empire. First they denied it in non-denial denials in case the Iranians did have it, then they said it crashed somewhere unknown to the U.S., then they said it must have drifted by malfunction into Iran, then when the Iranians showed the first pictures of it in-tact – not all crumpled up as it would be if it crashed from high altitude malfunction – the U.S. said it was not the right color or size, and finally when it was fully displayed they demanded its return on the presumption that they were not violating international law by spying in this way on Iran.

The whole U.S. Farce of the Drone exposes the U.S. once again as run by fools and total Liars routinely violating laws, treaties decency and every other human standard.

But this is merely a somewhat more ludicrous U.S. display of what it has really become. This is SOP for the U.S. Every time it slaughters women and children in Iraq, Somalia, Afghanistan, Pakistan and around the world the U.S does the same ludicrous display of denials, counter-charges and on and on. SOP.

No intelligent person who follows world events believes anything the U.S. says unless it is verified by really independent sources. I doubt that anyone I know and take seriously even bothers laughing at the U.S. ludicrous displays of lies these days. It’s all so routine it’s boring – but utterly evil and ghastly, so no one really wants to think much about it.

This is true of intelligent and knowledgeable Americans in general. It is only roughly the lower half of Americans in intelligence and knowledge who are so cut off from the real world and so incapable of thinking clearly who even bother to discuss these U.S. ludicrous Lies. A perfect example is the big front page article in the San Diego Union-Tribune today marking the “withdrawal of U.S. forces from Iraq” about whether invading Iraq and killing hundreds of thousands of innocent people over the past eight years was “worth” it. How stupid can you get? No intelligent person in touch with the world would imagine that this vast disaster and evil slaughter could possibly be worth it to anyone other than a sadistic fool. Most returning U.S. troops keep their mouths shut or hem and haw. They are not that stupid and they want benefits. But some journalists and a few brainless grunts say maybe it will prove worthwhile. Most are probably lying, but some Americans really are that ignorant and that stupid, though I don’t encounter any in my everyday life.

Even NBC News and other Media keep muttering, as Koppel did last evening, that the U.S. is not really “withdrawing” from Iraq, but is leaving 16,000 mostly “security” people and huge numbers on bases all around southern Iraq and building the largest “Embassy” in the world in Iraq and on and on. They don’t come right out and say this is all SOP Obama Lies and Bull Shit, but that’s what they mean.

SOP U.S. Lies and Bull Shit. That’s what America is to the world now and even the intelligent and knowledgeable Americans now take it for granted. SOP.

America has become an incredible farce to the whole world.

December 15, 2011

Jack D. Douglas [send him mail] is a retired professor of sociology from the University of California at San Diego. He has published widely on all major aspects of human beings, most notably The Myth of the Welfare State.

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