Cup of Coffee and It is Cold and Refrigerator Died…

Winter held off in Moscow for longer than normal but when it decided to come and visit, it came with a vengeance. It rolled down to -21c (-5.8f) below last night and it got chilly to say the least. Sveta and I had just bought a ceramic heater and I am very glad we did because it is needed today while I work on the sites…

We bought that heater while looking at new refrigerators after our 60 year old one gave up the ghost. I had just talked about defrosting her and good she worked in an article this weekend. I must have jinxed her because she said goodbye…

So now Sveta and I have to decide on which new refrigerator we want. I want a NORD brand that is made in Ukraine and Sveta wants a fancy Samsung or LG. She found one with what is called a super freeze button. Push that button and you can quick freeze things at -24c. I looked outside and realized that we had super freeze going on and I wish that someone would quit pushing the button… 🙂

Sveta has first choice as she is the sweetie of the house and that counts the most. So if she wants a fancy machine then we get a fancy machine…

We have a balcony that is our refrigerator right now. Except it freezes everything…

I will let everyone know when the new fridge is here. I am excited because we are getting one with a huge freezer to freeze up veggies and fruits for the winter. Things that are dirt cheap in the summer we will be able to still eat in the winter when the price gets outrageous…

So I am drinking that wonderful cup of chicory and working on the sites. Jotting down some articles and getting ready to write on my book today. I have a wonderful book that I am writing about Zombies…

Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia!