McFaul May Remember that he needs to Present his Credentials First…

Soon after his arrival in Moscow, McFaul met with a number of opposition figures at the U.S. Embassy last Tuesday, irking the Kremlin. (Link)

“In all likelihood, he [McFaul] will soon bring me his credentials,” Medvedev said, adding that “these credentials will naturally be accepted.”

U.S. President Barack Obama had informally agreed McFaul’s candidacy with him, Medvedev said.

“I hope that he [McFaul] will do a good job but of course he needs to realize that he is working in the Russian Federation, not in the United States of America, and that our country has its specifics, just as any ambassador has his mandate,” he said.

“I’ll leave everything else without comment,” Medvedev added.

Hmm! Everyday McFaul is looking more like he is trying to dupe Russia and Russia is on him like a fly on stink…

Remember that I said in the article the other day that McFaul is hiding in the American Embassy after he got called on the carpet for his sneaky crap…

Looks like a humbling trip to the Kremlin is needed and an apology is definitely needed…

But hey! He has met with the Russian political opposition and political opposition media. But he forgot to make his appointment official in Russia. If he keeps it up he may not be accepted…

The message is out, that talking with Medvedev may be a good idea for a future in Russia…

Do you think he wanna go home?

Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia!

PS: What happened to professionalism? If this happened in America…