Russian Coffee and Expanding Rift Between the East and West…

images4mugI have been for years now talking about the rift that is normal between the East and the West, but I have also talked about that the rift has been getting unstable and growing apart. This dividing line so to speak between the East and West is becoming so wide that leaping it is a chore instead of a pleasure…

The Chinese news is awash with separation issue, as is the Russian press dwelling on the subject also…

February 9 (BEIJING) β€” China and Russia should exert efforts to overcome the Syrian crisis and prevent the country from disintegration, the Huanqiu Shibao (Global Times) newspaper writes on Thursday.

The publication notes that β€œthe vetoes by China and Russia have deprived the West of a convenient excuse to launch direct military action, meaning the Syrian opposition will not receive overall support as it was given to the NTC in Benghazi during the Libyan civil war.”.

I find it interesting how different the East and West look at things and it seems to me that the world is shifting polarity on its views in politics and humanity…

I use to see the West as the humane ones and the East as the evil, that scourges the earth. Oh – I am not fooled and realize that the West in the past has had her bad points, but it just seems that at one time in America, we had much more good and honest people in all walks of life..

Maybe I was naive then but it just seems that rule of law, peace, human rights, privacy, respect, freedoms and liberty had a much higher precedence in America. I did not have to look over my shoulder and wonder if someone is watching me all the time. I never thought about, is my telephone tapped or should I watch what I say to people…

I received this e-mail yesterday that the contents actually woke me up thinking in the middle of the night. I will post one paragraph of the e-mail that really got me thinking. I will not give names because I am sure that they would not want that and I respect them too much to break their privacy…

“I, too, am too old to fight because it would be Americans fighting Americans, brother against brother, mother against children, children against parents, UGLY! To me that is against the grain and every fiber of my being. In Russia you are free enough to write but not so here. I fully expect that our access to the internet will be taken down eventually. There will still be the games we can play, solitaire to amuse ourselves, knitting and crocheting doilies, chatting about the weather over the backyard fence, etc. Life goes on but tyranny digs its own grave, that is for sure. This, too, will pass.”

The excerpt above is from a reader of one of my last articles. This person has been around, done that, seen that, been there and lived a fuller life than 95% of us. I take what they say to me at face value, because they do not mince words. This e-mail has come from a person who loves America with all there heart and they are saddened by what they see happening in America…

The part that stuck in my gizzard was, “In Russia you are free enough to write but not so here.” That seems like a mild statement, but in all reality it is a monumental statement that expresses what the reasoning for all other statements that they said.

You really need to understand the realities: “I as an American in Russia have more freedoms, more liberties, more peace, more quiet, more expressions, more help, more safety, more future, more abilities, more individualism, more opportunities, more respect and just about anything else you can think of. Than I do as an American in the USA, my own country…”

Yes – I am free enough to be able to write in Russia and that is why I was forced to move my servers to Russia. I am freer to write in Russia, as the Department of Homeland Security tries to take my website down, just as they tried again last night… (Almost every night!)

I guess that I am a threat because so many are listening now. I have been averaging 128,000 page views a day now for over two weeks. That is around 89 hits a minute average or about 5300 an hour. Otherwords, when you are reading this article, you are not alone and by the time you are done reading the article you will have a hundred new friends reading it with you. Those numbers above excludes search spyders, spam and other trash. If you want total activity then you must look at around 300,000 average per day. That is why my server goes up in smoke, when the DHS decides to attack. I have enough going on without their help to increase my page views… πŸ™‚

The blog has increased in volume tremendously since moving the server to being Russian based…

That freedom in America was really squelching the site…

Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia!

PS: I want to thank a few people for donations! They asked not to be identified.Β  But they did not ask me not to thank them. If Windows to Russia gets enough cash together, then we can upgrade the server again. We need more ram and processor. Right now we are running on a base economy VPS and it would be nice to get a little buffer to be able to ward off DHS attacks…