Cup of Hot Steaming Coffee and Multiple Wafting Thinking’s in Russia…

Yesterday, I experimented with the Internet and for once expressed my opinion at many places on the web. I am a typical reader who really reads and is not there for play time, like so many are on the web. So this was interesting but sad for me yesterday…

That is the start of my thinking’s today as I sip that cup of wonderful coffee chicory here in Moscow, Russia! It is -6 below zero and Sveta has gone to a special circus at the Kremlin. Since she received only one ticket to this special event and the tickets are astronomical in price, much less the chances of an American getting said ticket, are pretty slim to none. I stayed home and decided to write this article… (You so Lucky: :))

So back to what I started with: I expressed some opinions as I rarely do on the Internet in a comment. My opinions stay on my website most of the time. As I wanted to see what got stirred up and how easy it would be to stir the masses. Man – it was just too simple to set Americans off about issues such as Iran, Iraq, the Quran (Koran), the bible and multiple of other things…

What came out of it all is that: Americans look for a fight, they look for foreigners to pick on, they run in packs like animals, they invade other countries websites to intentionally disrupt things and without a doubt most TROLLS come from America…

I would set a comment up and try to make it sound very much like it was from a foreigner and waited. As the words were picked up by a search engine, the packs of paranoiac’s would ascend and it was not a pretty sight to see…

Comments mainly centered around the whys and what and whens and who’s of America interfering in other parts of the world. All it took was a few nice Americans to give decent answers and then the swarm would hit with anti-world and pro-America propaganda. When this happens nice pleasant people go away not to be seen again…

I picked one subject in particular and picked him apart intellectually for hours. Before I was done he ran away, but I gathered all that I needed from my test subject. He was in his early thirties and literally believed that government is correct, government is right, only government can save us, only government can protect us and so on and so on and so on. Just like many of you think, everyday of your life. Just simple blind faith and scared of disobeying…

Today the results of yesterday make me sad and I have done a lot of thinking…

Next on the thinking’s was about Iran! If what happens, that I think will happen before long: Heaven help the world because it will be the biggest mistake that Israel and the USA will ever make. The long term repercussions will outweigh the short term gains by a million fold and a simple fact is that the US will not be too far away from the results, to not become the brunt of the fallout from such an act of war against Iran. Much less Israel being located in the heart of the problem. Unless Israel is going to turn Iran into a glass parking lot the first time through with her nukes (Which creates other repercussions!), then Israel better quit the games because Israel will not be there if they continue to play hardball when softball is necessary…

*** People – Iran is simply not what the Western media and Western government is playing the tunes about! ***

Next on my thinking’s is the Nissan carmakers of Japan is getting ready to roll out a cheap model for Russia. The new small model is going to be called – Datsun, which was designed to show good performance even on impassable terrain in rural areas, will cost $6,250. The mass production of Datsun cars will begin next year. (Datsun the car company that disappeared in America and went under a new name! I had the last model of Datsun truck made in America and I loved that truck! It was school bus yellow and was fast…)

Next on my thinking’s is about the statement: Russian prime minister and presidential candidate Vladimir Putin confirmed on his plans to appoint current President Dmitry Medvedev as prime minister in the next government should he win the March 4 elections. (This made me smile. Makes sense and as everyone knows they work together, they are the ruling tandem…)

Last but not least: Sveta and I purchased airline tickets to Georgia last night and we will leave the 17th or March to go play around Georgia. Going to spend a week there and see some sites while doing some business.

Georgia on my mind…

Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia!