Russian International Borders are Safe, Fast, Non Intrusive and Efficient…

# Warning this post contains the word terrorist and that could be detrimental to your reading pleasure. Reading an article with the word terrorist in it may put you on a blacklist of suspected evil people, that will harm your pristine reputation in many ways. The American government has made the word terrorist to be a very taboo subject and remember only the government can stop terrorists. So you have been warned and all offending terrorist words have been crossed out to show what you do not need to read… #

A quote from Jim Rogers says, “There is nothing like crossing outlaying borders for gaining insight into a country.”

From airport check-in to plane in the air, takes virtually no time in most airports in the world, except the land of the free and the home of the brave. From the plane landing to grabbing a taxi at most airports in the world, takes virtually no time, except the land of the free and home of the brave…

Sveta and I travel a lot! Sometimes I tell you about it, sometimes I do not. This time I have mentioned and talked about when Sveta and I just traveled to Georgia. What I have not talked about is crossing the borders once again from Russia to another country and back from said country to Russia…

If you asked Sveta what country is the worse in the world to cross the border into? She would tell you the USA! If you ask me what country is the worst to cross the border at? I would tell you the same as Sveta! The USA and I am a USA citizen and not a Russian citizen like she is. Hmm – you would think that my being a American citizen would make things better for me to cross an American border. Not gonna happen…

Going through the border at the Russian Moscow Domodedovo Airport was about a 15 minute affair and was polite, smooth and painless. Never at one time did someone lay a hand on us or tried to harass us in any way. In fact it was such a well organized, swift and pleasant experience. That when we were done Sveta and I could not believe that it was over. We were standing in the International Zone in a daze it went so fast…

Coming back from Georgia was the same (15 to 20 min.), except one little thing! Sveta had in the bottom of her purse, (which by the way her purse has things in it from 20 years ago, like many women’s purses have) a pair of toe/finger nail scissors. Georgia caught my “Terrorist Russian Woman” red handed and confiscated those scissors so that she would not be able to attack the jet and its occupants while in flight. Now this was the same purse and same scissors that have traveled at least two years with the scissors in the bottom of her purse… Hmm…

It dawned on me while contemplating why they would worry about such a trivial thing in my wife’s purse, when I had a wooden Popsicle stick in my bag that could easily be made into a weapon that I could kill you just as fast and easy as a tiny small fingernail scissor could kill you. In fact as a kid we turned Popsicle sticks into very dangerous weapons, in rubber band guns that we made. I seem to remember some birds and a squirrel that would give testament that they (Popsicle sticks) are deadly in the hands of a 8 year old, if those little creatures had lived – that is…

*** Also it just dawned on me while writing this that I had toe nail clippers on me, in my pocket of my pants, that had a pull out nail file made of steel and believe you me when I say that a 2 inch blade of nail file will do more damage then what Sveta was stopped over. Should make you think… ***

But Georgia was a very efficient and easy crossing and I just like to pick on Sveta, as I now jokingly call her my “Terrorist Russian Woman”. But hey they let her fly… 🙂

So if you want to see what America is about, then travel to India, China, Russia, Georgia and a hundred other places. Then you will see that as Jim Rodgers says, “There is nothing like crossing outlaying borders for gaining insight into a country.”

So far nowhere that Sveta and I have traveled, unless it is a Western based country is a hassle. Well, except for Georgia and they stopped my terrorist Russian woman in her tracks and took her weapon of choice…

You (Americans) should really travel to another country soon, before you do not even get to do that simple pleasure of life. I see that the Western borders are slowly clamping shut and one day you will be looking out as the world goes by. But hey you will be safe – huh!

Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia!

PS: So I hope that by you reading this article with the word terrorist in it, that you will not be harmed in anyway by any form of anti-terrorists activity in America or elsewhere in the world. For this really is not a terrorist article and this article in no way imposes any type of terrorist activity. Well except maybe the part about the Popsicle sticks (and nail file attached to a nail clippers) could be twisted by a mental midget and formulate a new idea of what to look for in terrorist weapons. I see you are scared that you read the article now! You should be, the article was full of terrorist words…