Coffee Thinking’s in Russia…

Well I decided to sit down and write a coffee thinking’s article today for Windows to Russia! In fact, I was going to even not write at all and ignore Windows to Russia today. But alas that is not going to happen as there just is too much stupidity in the world at this moment and I just have to say something. Even if you hate what I say…

I had to laugh my head off at a photo that is being circulated by the Western press and now is being picked up by the Eastern press. It is a photo that is suppose to be a blast chamber for Nuclear testing by Iran. I saw the photo first and started to read an article because I wanted to see what advances that Iran is making in milk…

Yes you got me correct: The photo is a picture of a milk plant and I have seen the equivalent many times in America. Then I realized that they had a drawing also and then I realized that the photo was wrong (intentionally) and then I realized that nothing was what it seemed. Then I threw my hands in the air and realized that propaganda was at work again and the West has thrown another lie into the wind and hopes it catches in the tree limbs and festers…

Well that may have started my day off wrong as crappy propaganda always starts my day off wrong, but then I discover this little gem of a statement from the Media…

Security at airports in the U.S., Europe and the Middle East has been stepped up amid fears terrorists with surgically implanted bombs are planning to strike on the eve of Osama bin Laden’s death. Body scanners would not be able to detect if explosive compounds were planted inside a person sparking fears the bombers could evade airport security and bring down an aircraft.

That statement just iced the cake so to say! Now if that is not propaganda then I do not know what is and this type of scare tactics just removes more freedoms as you travel. Guess what world? Get ready to drop your pants and have them do body cavity searches. The days are numbered until it happens. Why I can’t wait until they try to give everyone a complete MRI of the body every time they fly. Do you realize how stupid all this is? Why if someone desires to blow the hell out of a bunch of people then why would they wait to get on an airliner? They could blow them selves up in the massive line we have created while we get checked for bombs and such. In fact from what I see at most Western airports, is that they have created the perfect situation to instigate a mass killing, if a so called terrorist group decided to mass kill. When you stop the flow of people to check if they are carrying contraband of any type then that is the point of massive backup and possible destruction, be it inside a building or outside a building. I have seen airports use the snake effect as it does in Israel, where the people are weaved back and forth in 5 to 10 rows and we pack like sardines by the hundreds. Someone in the middle of that snake effect is sure to wipe a few people off the earth and we only care about getting on the jet. Who cares about the jet? The Moscow metro bombings are a prime example that jets are not the endangered issues anymore. Anywhere you have a mass gathering of people, be it at a bus stop or grocery store, you have more potential for terrorists activities than in an airliner…

Nuff said about the stupidity of why we are all so scared to travel the world, without accepting the fact that we seem to be stupid enough to want someone to abuse us and molest us before we travel. You stand more danger by the fact that you stand in a massive line, waiting to be molested than if you just get your ass moving and get on board the airline. One day, you watch, big issue will develop because of the lines at all the public transportation areas. Then what are we going to do?

Gotta live life and quit being scared…

Now I have to say something about my favorite country other than Russia! Ukraine is getting a raw deal over this Yulia issue and that is that. Yulia is a conniving thief and that is that also. She should have gone quietly as did the last president and she should have taken her billions that she stole and left dodge. Yulia is a Western kiss ass and she does not deserve special treatment. She had more than a few chances to shut up and live a good life. Why even Russia would have let her come and stay…

Why is it that the West always makes a big deal out of the scum people and politicians of the ex Soviet Union countries? Now Europe condemns Ukraine and threatens Ukraine with lots of games and issues. Now this is from a Europe that is following the footsteps of America and is sinking like the Titanic…

I say ship Yulia to Europe and let her be a posted child for European morals and capriciousness. She would fit right in. Better yet send her to America…

I always think of Rod Blagojevich in America, why isn’t Europe coming to his aid. Telling America that they should do this and this and this. What is the difference people? Nothing and or not a damn thing. Both guilty within the judicial system of the respective country and no other country needs to interfere. This is from someone who thinks Blagojevich was railroaded by the system…

Two last mentions that are in my thinking’s but I am still thinking about them… 🙂

First the Russian Sukhoi Superjet that crashed! Something strange happened in this incident and I am watching closely to see what the black boxes say. As they say, “Something is rotten in the state of Denmark!”

Then about our nice Occupy Kremlin or what ever you want to call it! It is a real party time and way over half the people showing up are sightseers that have nothing else to do. What you see in the photos is far from the norm in Moscow and Russia. These people driving this issue are the outcasts and this game is going on while everyone is having dacha trips and such that is the norm in Russia. Just like we were at the village this last week, so was millions and millions of others as the roads were jam packed with people traveling. What is happening in Moscow as a sit in is a political circus party that represents a tiny fraction of the people. Everyone else is going about everyday life and doing their normal for the president was elected by the majority. Normal people are planting their gardens and working on their dachas. I had to put in the photo of milking the cow at the sit in. Now that sums Russia up in a nutshell…

Raw Milk: Now that is Freedom…

Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia!