Georgia: Now That is a Huge Rally…

Huge, but it was only – according to Western media 30,000 to 40,000! That is huge and you must compare apples to apples and not apples to oranges. In America, China or even Russia it would be a small rally, but lets compared to population size, when a country has only 4.5 million people in the whole country (Moscow alone is over 3 times the size in populace than Georgia has total!). Then when you gather this many people together (Some claim 100,000 at the rally in Georgia!) in a small country then that is saying something and people should listen…

But that still is what? 2% or so, even if it is a 100,000 people. So still not enough to make a president care if you are mad or not…

This is Freedom square as they call it in Georgia and this is where Sveta and I spent our time at when we recently traveled to Georgia. I recognize everything there and could tell you what buildings are what. In fact there are some really good coffee places near there and I bet they are dancing for joy at the business. In fact to the right and about a block up the street was a wonderful little place that sold meat and cheese pies and they guy who owned it gave us his seat and showed us all around his little bakery. Georgian people are just wonderful and friendly…

Looks like they are getting grouchy though…

Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia!

PS: I am glad it was not violent…