My grandma always said, “No one cares about a damn thing, for the end justifies the means!”

Americans killing civilians-good?
Syrians killing civilians- bad?

Anyone who had seen war and participated in it, in their right mind, doesn’t want war anymore. It is easy for you to call me and others who have lived through the horrors of war names when we speak against war. It is easy to condemn the ones who have lost their souls killing so many in the field of dishonorable war. You who sit in your comfortable arm chair pointing to the evils in the world and smearing us who were sent by their country to deal with it and now we don’t support the killing machine any longer. Most of us who are left from these wars, are in our graves long ago and if not 6 feet under we are in mental institutes from the terrible things we did and saw. There is no one left to speak up about what happened. some wars like Vietnam, Afganistan, Iraq were just plain not worth dying for…

Those who have been in war really never talk about it. There is no pride and there is no honor. My first wife could not tell you anything about what I have experienced in life, during a battle against the so called enemy. Why would she not know about the worst thing that happened in my life? Talking about it brings it all back and the best thing is for it to all stay hidden and only deal with it on dark and lonely nights, as you step over the boundary between earth and hell, as your dreams fill with the past as the faces of the ones you killed haunt you…

So call names all you want, but when I see Americans kill innocent civilians and we say, “Oops, sorry, my bad! Are you sure? They looked like terrorist!” Then we beat the band in the media when it happens to other governments, is a sign of an illness that I am not sure there is a cure for, for it goes deeper than just a superficial mental issue. It is something almost as deep as genetics in depth, within our souls and no amount of medicine and psych counseling will cure it…

Bless you all for screaming at Syria when the government tries to contain the terrorists and then overlooking the fact or reap praise, that we kill more civilians than any other country in the world, all over the world, every single day, day in and day out, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year…

Believe you me – More civilians always die in a war than military. Civilians have nowhere to go, for their land is their home and home is where you stay through all times of trouble…

Yes Americans killing civilians is called collateral damage!
Yes Syrians killing civilians is called evil and disgusting!

The situation is the same, but the truth is different…

My grandma always said, “No one cares about a damn thing, for the end justifies the means!”

Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…