Looks like many will not get paid for Russian Rally Time…

The word is that the raids before the rally turned up huge sums of money that was intended for payment to rally employees. This money which topped over three million dollars and climbing, was just part of the lies and instigation’s that were discovered. Just before the rallies…

The rally which was proclaimed as being 200,000 people and called the million man march! Was interestingly about 25,000 people and no one got paid. Now that has caused an issue and my suggestion is that America get some more money over here quick, because if they do not get paid they will not keep protesting. Money is the key to protesting…

What with McFaul making it very clear that previous administrations in America were trying for a color revolution in Russia. The administration now has let the ball drop and is not pushing as hard for that to happen….

This just is part of the whole nasty tasty treat that Russia has been getting shafted by from America…

You know he (McFaul) really is that lacking on abilities. He has meaninglessly caused more upsets in a very few months than the last guy did in all his years here. I mean simply put: The other guy (John Beyrle) did his job and caused issues, but he did them like a sneaky ambassador is suppose to and kept it out of the dinner table conversations. There are rules you know? Now America is being talked about while dinner is being eaten in Russia (gossip) and all because McFaul has a piss poor way of doing business. He really thinks that telling a truth will cover up the lie, that he spouts right after the truth…

Now the American government has gone into coverup mode again over McFaul and now they are trying to say that he meant things as generally speaking and not just Russia… 🙂

McFaul’s favorite way of back pedaling is to Twitter his apology later on Twitter – Tweet Tweet…

Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia