Another Russian Tradition: Rug Snow Cleaning…

Every year I watch the Russians when it snows real good for the first time. They have a tradition that involves rugs and snow. That is my thoughts this morning as I sip that cup of coffee. This morning I even added a pinch of nutmeg and Cinnamon to it and it is really good…

When you go to the parks, you will see what Russians do with rugs and snow. They lay the rugs on the snow and beat them with sticks, flip them over and repeat the beating process. So at the end of the day, you have lots of black patches of snow all over the park…

It is considered the best and virtually only way to clean those throw rugs that you have scattered all over the house, on the floor and on the walls. Yes Russians love to hang carpets on the walls…

Today I watched a babushka with a tennis racket beat the living daylights out of a huge carpet laying on the snow. Boza looked at me like, “Is she going to use that on us?” I told him that we will go away quietly before she decides to use it on us… 🙂

This is tradition to do every year and it makes for interesting designs in the snow as we walk around…

Kyle and Boza
Windows to Russia…