Happy New Year and Santa (Ded Moroz) comes to Russia tonight…


Sveta is going to whoop me today! So don’t tell her that I went out in -12c and snowing like crazy and went shopping for New Years…

It is so hard to shop for a woman and Sveta is real particular about things, but that does not mean I will not try… 🙂

The photos above are of the huge New Year tree and the main entrance to the store. It is such a pleasure to have this caliber of a company to put a store in within walking distance. They have everything that we need and in Russia this type of store will not hurt all the little businesses that are prevalent everywhere. What this store does is hurt the big shopping areas that we use to drive to and now can walk to instead. I saw that the store will be closed New Year Eve at 8 pm and open back up on January 2nd in the morning. So they get a good holiday compared to what I use to get and then the whole country is basically shut down for over a week. That means Globus is bucking the trend in Russia and I really thing that the future will be much less time for New Years break. Sveta says that in the Soviet Union they never had so many days off as they do now…

Oh and inside the store they were selling fireworks like crazy. Russians love their fireworks and no matter what the temperature is, they will stay outside shooting fireworks for hours tonight…

I always say, “Them Crazy Russians!” as I watch them at -20c below and play chess and shooting fireworks…

Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…