Disarm America by Kyle Keeton…

While I have my doubts about the sincerity of most Americans and I have many doubts about the mental capacities of many Americans, this day and age, but I do know a raw deal when I see one and this gun issue in America is being driven from more than just an inside  the country push…

That is why I am posting this article, because maybe out of my thousands of readers a day. Someone will understand and see what is really happening…

While personally inside myself, I see an America that really does not deserve the run amok usage of weapons. I see a country that has abused too many in the world and deserve what it gets, but I am also American and love America. I just wish that we could have gotten ourselves under control before we destroyed all that, that made the USA good…

So while America is squabbling over gun control, abortion and a thousand other things that splinter America like a old glass mirror. The world is silently and medially playing the US governments own propaganda right back in her face and is using that propaganda to undermine America. Funny thing is, is that we have knowingly done it to ourselves…

RT (Russia Today) is a perfect example: They have become masters at posting the truth from both sides. They post the Russian side then they post the American side and the sides 90% of the time go in opposite directions. They post the truth, it just counts of what side of the world that you want to believe is true…

Now in a case like gun control, RT posts the governmental dribble that comes straight from the horses mouth, the USA government. This dribble is definitely not for international ears theoretically, but in this day and age, everything is for international ears and the USA administration and RT makes sure of it…

The American readership at RT is huge and when a reverse propaganda article is posted, the Americans are to the point of violent and rude. The Russians and other world commentators have learned from the Americans and now slap back full force against the hate. RT has discovered a win win situation for themselves and stir that American made propaganda like a witches brew stewing in a pot…

The drums have been turned on America over gun control and countries like China are beating the Gun Drums, Boom Boom Boom Boom go the gun drums, as they repeat over and over…

Disarm AmericaDisarm America – Disarm America….

They do not mean disarm the military, they mean take those damn guns away from the civilians…

Guess what? A whole hell of a lot of you are playing the same tune that Russia, China and many many countries are striving for. So as you play games with wording on gun control, the rest of the world is playing right there with you and for what it is worth. They try their best to make sure you hear those drums that are beating for you to remove those guns from civilians hands…

We like to confuse people with using phrases like, “The gun killed those babies!” or “Guns Kill!” It is as if those guns have intelligence and killed on purpose…

As I said above, “Someone will understand and see what is really happening…”

So what is really happening?

Very simple! The UN does not like Americans having weapons, like they do now. The world does not like Americans having weapons, like they do now. The worst of all this is not what the world wants, but the fact is that the US government does not want civilians to have the weapons they do now, so the American government has recruited the help of the world’s media, like RT and RT is more than happy to drive ratings and post American propaganda, being used against America…

Against America from America.

“Made in America” propaganda!

No Chinese factory needed, nor is it outsourced to India…

Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…