Cyber Warfare: It is a Joke and a Sad One at That…

I listen to the US attack verbally and threaten China and now Russia with physical and cyber attacks, over Cyber Warfare. These accusations come and go, but the one thing they have in common is that they are getting louder and coming from the same source: The Western Empire…

For someone like me who has had a very popular website almost totally destroyed by the US government, in an attempt to silence me and my big mouth. It is really interesting to see what is being said by a cry baby country (as America is), over cyber attacks…

I have article after article with evidence that the USA government attacked my sites days in and days out. They relentlessly crushed my sites with DDoS attacks and many other inconveniences. I had to use at one point, three servers in various parts of the world, just to keep the site online…

I realize that no one cares, but I do and it cost me a lot of money to keep Windows to Russia online…

So I have indubitably no issues with saying that, “The USA government has censored me and tried on 50+ occasions to destroy my site and keep me offline!” Just a few articles below from when I got mad…

Now America has the gall to sit around and bitch about other countries doing to them what they did to me and them for over a year. All this is is another way for America to play games with your freedoms and Internet usage…

If China has been slapping back at the USA and Russian has been slapping back at the USA and Iran is slapping back at the USA, over cyber issues, Then I would think that the USA needs to quit instigating the issues first and become a friend and not a bully in the school yard…

China and Russia and Iran can do some serious cyber pain inducing to a bully and especially when the bully deserves it…

Sveta and I know all about it as we have endured serious viruses, DDos attacks and many other issues and they all came straight from the horses mouth – The US of A…

You do not have to like me or what I say, but you better think and listen, because our country America is digging a huge hole and one day we (you and me) will all be thrown under the wheels of the truck as the government tries to get us to condone attacking all countries that are just trying to stand up for themselves, against the school yard bully and that my friend is not the kind of country that I appreciate being associated with. The school yard bully…

My grandma would have said, “What is good for the Goose is good for the Gander!”

Post by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…