Russia will restrict its meat imports from Europe if it does not receive additional guarantees that horse meat won’t be delivered to its market, Russia’s chief medical officer Gennady Onishchenko said Thursday. He said that he had received a letter from the EU in which it guaranteed full transparency of the investigation of the horse meat scandal. The scandal broke out three years ago when horse meat was found in “beef” ready-to-eat meals in Spain and Ireland. Later horse meat was found in beef products in Sweden, Norway and Switzerland. The cause of the substitution has not been determined yet. RIA
Okay! So according to a statement like this, I would assume that Russians do not want horse meat in their stores? Right?
So what the hell is all this canned and fresh cut meat available all over Russia. Our little store on the corner has a supply of canned horse meat and as I confirmed today, Heinz Baby Food made of Pony…
No! Russia does not want horse meat. Just look at the pictures below and imagine a thousand times more products than this. All horse or pony…
- Canned horse…
- Baby food horse Heinz…
- Sdes of Horse…
- Horse Baby food Russian brand…
- Baby food horse…
- Horse sausage…
- Horse…
- Horse…
- Horse…
лошадь – horse
конь – horse
конина – horse meat
пони – pony
Take a trip to the local store and what do you find? That is correct – horse meat!
Now I don’t really care and I will not eat it. Well at least until I am starved, because I have eaten much much worse in my life and actually horse meat is really good, just psychologically damaging to my brain… 🙂
So Russia – don’t act out the fool on this subject. I support the hell out of Russia on many subjects, but this won’t fly with this blogger. I live here and know that you have much more horse meat available than beef and also many other anti-western types foods. I also know that when you have ground meat it is horse or at least partly. I do not care and will only tell it like it is…
I eat it all and smile…
The real reason that you are playing games is that you are trying to get your own internal meat market developed, hogs, pigs, chickens, turkey, goat, lamb, horse and 20 other meats are being developed as we speak and I think that is fantastic. But you went into the World Trade Organization with open eyes and trying to skirt the issue with falsifications is just plain ignorant…
Russia is better than that and Russia should have never joined the WTO…
So, now you know something more about Russia…
I love Russia and her ways…
Post by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…