Russia and That Drunk Driving/Duma Issue…

I have to say something about this and as I know for a fact it will get to the Kremlin, because they, like Washington DC, read my blog daily and it is on several levels that they do this. So I am going to talk about the new drunk driving laws that Russia is contemplating and imposing upon all the people…

The only thing really better about the law is that they are going (we hope) to raise the legal maximum blood alcohol concentration to 0.2 mg of ethanol per milliliter of blood. That is good because now it is considered drunk if any level of alcohol is found in his or her blood. That is zero, as in zilch, as in nothing. Why I know of cough syrups that will get you in trouble and I know of several Russian drinks that will get your ass in jail with that tolerance. Kvass, Kombucha and Kefir come to mind in an instant and I drink any and all of them at times. They are non alcoholic and sold to kids and everyone…

I have mixed feelings when governments impose restrictions of how we live our lives and I oppose those restrictions in any form or method…

Russians have a strange way of doing things and it is “All or Nothing” in many eyes in Russia. That is just how they are and it is natural for them…

I am saying that the Kremlin needs to be careful, because that all or nothing mindset will be a problem in the near future as people will switch like the wind, as you impose laws that will and can not be enforced. The mind set needs education and time to change on issues like drugs and alcohol. Most people are not the issue and new laws like this, make all people the victims and recipient of the penalty. When it is a minority, that is at fault…

I do believe something has to be done and I do believe that it (Drunk/Drug Driving) gets out of hand in Russia at times and makes for an interesting around the town driving experience, but learn to step gently and get it done correctly the first time…

They want to pull people over all the time and give breathalyzers to anyone and everyone…

imagesThat is just plain wrong and will cause be issues down the road as people get real testy about this happening. I don’t drink and I don’t do drugs, that will effect my driving and I know that if I will drive that day, I will not drink any Russians favorite beverages that contain minute amounts of alcohol in them. Even though these drinks are sold as soda all over the place in the summer! Russian Kvass is Russian soda pop and it does have alcohol in it…

So Kremlin, I oppose the strict laws you want to impose on us and yes I do drive your roads and no I do not drink and do illegal drugs, but I do feel that you have overstepped you limits on this case and you need to start over. Just because the laws will not get me in trouble (Or will they?), they still cause me to have to change what I do and enjoy and with that I know that most others will be inconvenienced even worse than me…

Is it time to outlaw: Kvass, Kombucha and Kefir?

I did not think so and that you better remember plus a few more things, when you vote on all these overstuffed and overblown bills that effect the people daily lives at the Duma. Save your overblown bills to be used against the Western World and their antics…

Post by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…