Village Time – Spring 2013 and That Second Cup of Coffee…

I cant wait! Here we come Russian village. That is what I am thinking right now as I sip that second cup of coffee…

Sveta let me know yesterday that she has officially gotten the time off and so during May holidays here in Russia. Sveta, Boza and I are going to the Russian Village and enjoy a week of fun n relaxation. I am so excited and I know that Boza will be also when he realizes where we are going. He just loves to run free all over the place in the village…

Here are some links to let you see the Russian village…

Plus only a hundred more in the pages of Windows to Russia!

The Russian villages called Sunrise to Freedom or Kommuna as the locals call it. Is the most fantastic place in the world. Why we even have a monastery and we have a natural blessed spring source to cleanse our souls at…

Gods Place: A Blessed Water Source…

Now that is cool…

Post by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…