The Latest Scandle Coverup Issued by the USA…

propagandaBrainwashing propaganda. This has absolutely NOTHING to do with Gay people and everything to do with Edward Snowden and I personally can see right through your piece of crap propaganda organized distraction…

Over 50,000 laws passed in the U.S. in 2011 alone, even more in 2012, and more in 2013. All laws which favor Giant Banks, Giant Corporations and Law Enforcement Agencies, all while creating different criminal classes among the civilian population adding even more prisoners to the already largest prison population on earth! All this to allow the corporations to totally control the world. Corporation + Government = immaterial…

Brainwashing Corporation propaganda demimondaine.

Hey American Brainwashing Corporation, if you care so much about Gay people and Gay people’s rights, why don’t you go to Saudi Arabia or Bahrain and report what they do to gay people? But I bet you can’t do that because I’d bet those counties are paying customers and or partners of the American Brainwashing Corporation…

So lets pour Russian vodka on the streets and lets pass the terror stories about the fears of going to Russia. Lets make this a Gay issue, as we all know that America is afraid to upset the GAYS..

All this in the end will destroy America, not Russia and every time that America plays one more game and one more lie. Then we lose a little more of our morality and we become a little closer to death as a country. So kill what is left of what was once the greatest country in the world…

We have officially produced enough fake a coverup scandals to try to counter a factual government scandal and it is only going to get worse in the days ahead…

Sorry Charlie –  but the saying goes true in this case, “Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.”

Never again will I be fooled by the crap going on! What about you?

That is what I thought as you hug your government handouts…

Posted by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…