Russia Says No Tours to Egypt

PyramidsNow this is a situation that tells me how bad it is in Egypt. Russians travel to Egypt no matter what is happening there. It has been bad before but when this statement comes out from Rosturizm, then Egypt just lost the bread and butter of their tourism money…

The sales of any and all tours to Egypt are and have been stopped by the written command of the Russian Federal Agency for Tourism (Rosturizm), due to the situation that is escalating in Egypt. Last week Rosturizm had recommended that tour agencies cease to sell tours to Egypt, but no one took the situation nor the verbal recommendation seriously and an official letter has now been posted, to stop the dangerous situation of sales of tour packages to Egypt…

To make it clear how bad it is in Egypt: Russians just do not stop traveling to Egypt, it is one of the most favorite spots, besides Turkey, that Russians travel. This is unprecedented for Russians to be forced to stop traveling to Egypt and especially during the peak travel season…

Egypt is looking real bad…

Posted by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…

PS: I guess the US can increase the payments to Egypt and compensate for the losses in revenue? You think?