Russia: Travel Time!


I was drinking my morning cup of coffee & helping my wife get ready to work on a Sunday. Russians have holidays but they have to make up the days by working a weekend day. So this holiday they had Thursday through Saturday off and Sunday is a workday.

The city of Moscow is still quiet and calm. Many Muscovites take vacation at this time of the year and Moscow is like half the number of people. (7-8 Million people instead of 15 million people.) Now that the ones who did not go to their Dachas (Summer homes) are at work & Moscow is very empty right now. (Strange)

Then an idea hit me, this is the perfect time to visit Moscow, Russia. The Muscovites are out of town & all the sites are easy to see. There are still lots of things going on, it is just easier to get to them. The lines are much shorter. Actually visiting Moscow during the Summer Months is a good time to visit. Most weekends, people in Moscow go to their Village and (Dachas) Summer homes.

Something for travelers to think about

I just thought I would let you know a little more about Moscow, Russia.

Kyle & Svet

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