The Trust is Gone

coffee-and-donutsWe were raised to trust our government, but those days are long gone and the past is catching up faster and faster…

Now as I sip that cup of coffee this morning, I even wonder about if things could have been true in the past. The things related to my government and her escapades. I personally know that most if not all the military fiasco’s are faked, false, instigated and or lies. Now I have lost so much faith in my government that I have nothing but doubts about anything that happened in my life as an American citizen…

I am not alone in my thinking’s and these thinking’s have nowhere to go, but around and around as we watch the lies being spun by the dozens, as the coverup of all that is happening is progressing…

It struck me very clearly: Syria is being destroyed by the west and it has been done on purpose. I have been amazed that this time around, many less people are watching the “Dancing with Stars” and watching the scums in the White House parade their stupidity. Could it be that we are really getting fed up with killing millions of innocent people all over the world?

There is a serious issue that is developing out of all this. The trust is gone and with that trust being sent down the drain, comes doubt. The doubt of everything that has ever happened in the last hundred years…

I doubt and being right or wrong has nothing to do with that doubt: Doubt means – To be undecided or skeptical about: began to doubt some accepted doctrines. To tend to disbelieve; distrust: doubts politicians when they make sweeping…

So now I doubt everything that has been told to me and that is really sad. I doubt even the happenings such as the moon landing and terrorist attack 911. Why do I doubt these things and a thousand other things from my past?

If we lie about something as world shaking serious as war and destroying other countries. If we lie about anything! I we lie about even one thing as a government. If we lie about the financial issues! I mean simply if we lie as a country and we lie to the world and we lie to the people of that country, then I have doubts about anything and everything that comes out of my government, because I expect my government to lead the world by example and morals…

For we are suppose to be heads and tails above the Zimbabwe of the world and it seems that we are the Zimbabwe of the world…

Man I am really stupid to think that the USA was a great country, that lead the world in liberty, morals, rights, freedoms and expression…

The American government has no right to lie about anything. We chose the moral high ground and with that comes responsibility. That we have failed at miserably…

I have remembered this quote below since I was little. My grandpa said this to me several times before he died. I realized much later that Otto von Bismark was German and he was quoted by my grandfather many times for many things. My grandfather was German and it makes sense now that he was born in the 1800’s and Bismark lived during the times my grandfather did. I have found many quotes from Germany that hold so true in our modern day and age. Tells me that history just goes around and around and around…

“People never lie so much as before an election, during a war, or after a hunt.” ― Otto von Bismarck…

Now that is the truth…

Posted by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…