Winter is here in Moscow, Russia…

beachTwo days in a row it has snowed. Now, it is not snowing and sticking yet, but it is snowing and blowing and cold. It looks like officially it has snowed 4 times already, but summer keeps fighting back as winter tries to take over and autumn got lost on the way to the market… 🙂

Actually I never really saw spring this year and I think it got stuck in the winter mud!

So as I sip that wonderful cup of coffee this morning and contemplate a second cup in this siege of winter weather. I let my thoughts wander to the fact that Sveta wants to go to warmer climates for a couple of weeks. Looks like we need to leave this weekend and enjoy the beaches of a faraway middle eastern country. It really is the best time of the year to go. The seas are still warm enough to swim, the temperature has lowered from broiling hot to just hot and we get to see a real end of summer. (Unlike a Moscow end of summer!)

I guess maybe next week I will be writing Windows to Russia from a beach hotel in the Middle East. Sounds hot to me, but Sveta will be all smiles as she does pool aerobics and dances on the beaches of sand…

Now that is what makes life perfect, a happy girl…

Posted by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…